Chapter 2

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Louis pov

My body was numb but it didn't hurt anymore. It's like a werewolf thing. If you get hurt, you'll heal once you change. Any injuries are temporary, most of the time. I heard thunder. I lay on the ground. I felt something touching my leg. It was skin. It was human skin. It wasn't my skin. I looked down. I saw another human. It's been a while since I saw one of those. It was a male. I could see his man parts. He was probably in his early 20s or something. I think he's younger than me. My leg was draped across his chest. Before I could move, he woke up. He cussed and shoved me away.

"Who on Earth are you?" He yelled at me. He covered his crotch with his hand. "Why were you on me?"

The way he said it made me feel dirty. To be quite frank, I have no clue how I woke up with this guy. I tried to recall last night. I could only remember eating some animal and getting into a scuffle with another wolf.

"I don't know. I could be asking you the same thing." I shot back. He remained silent. He looked at my face. I'm not sure if I imagined it but I think he glanced down at my penis.

Thunder clapped. I stood up on my feet, almost slipping. "Why are you here? There's never been anyone in this area."

"I'm looking for a place to stay." The boy said.

"Well, I think you're searching in the wrong place for real estate." I said with a sarcastic tone. "How did you end up here anyway?"

He didn't answer. He just looked at me.

"Fine. Don't tell me." I remarked.

A ray of lightning cut across the sky. Thunder roared again. The sky was dark. I better head home. I walked away.

"Wait, where are you going?" The boy called out.

"Home." I yelled back.

"Can I come?" He asked.

I turned around to see him scrambling to his feet. He looked at me hopefully. Who does this kid think he is? He can't just waltz into my life and expect me to let him into my house. That's ridiculous.

"No." I said coldly.

"Why?" The boy whined. I raised an eyebrow. "Oh come on! Please. I don't have anywhere to go to. I don't even know where I am."

"No." I insisted on my initial answer. The hope in his eyes diminished.

I headed towards home. I glanced behind my shoulder. The boy looked around, cluelessly. He decided to walk in the opposite direction to where I was headed. He's going to get himself lost. I tell myself to keep walking straight. I glanced behind again. The boy turned left.

I have to help him. I groaned. I turned around and walked towards him, grabbing his arm. "Look kid, if you go down that way, you're going to end up eaten by bears." I told him, pointing in the direction he was heading. "Oh." He said, looking ashamed.

"Come with me!" I said reluctantly. I started walking. "Keep up with me." He jogged a bit to catch up to me. "The name's Louis." I introduced myself.

"Nice to meet you, Louis. I'm Harry," The boy said. "Thanks for letting me stay with y-."

"You're not staying with me." I cut Harry short. He looked shocked. I went on, "It's going to rain. You're going to get lost, sick and injured if I don't help you. I'm going out tonight. There's a small town at the edge of the forest. I'll take you there tomorrow. You're going to stay in my house and not touch anything but only for tonight. You got that?" I figured I shouldn't tell him that I magically turn into a wolf every time the sun goes down just yet.

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