Chapter 4

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Louis pov

I recalled last night's events. I've got more blood on my hands now. I remember a gunshot. I got a bullet in my paw. Harry pulled it out.

I looked at my hand. It was perfectly fine, as I expected.

"Hey! You, two!" A deep voice shouted. I turned around. There was a policeman. "What are you boys doing here? Where are your clothes?"

I didn't know how to answer him so I don't and neither does Harry.

"Nevermind. Just stay out of these woods. There was a wolf attack last night. It's not safe here."

I just nodded and Harry followed my lead. "A wolf attack?"

"Yeah. A couple of them running around here supposedly."

"Are you going to kill them?"

"That's confidential."

"Okay. We'll be on our way."

"You better be. Two people were killed. You don't want to be next."

Pieces of fabric were strewn all over the place. I didn't bother to pick them up. Harry and I went back to my house. I sat down on my bed. "Hey Louis, was it us?" Harry asked.


"Did we kill the two people?"

"Yeah, I think."

Harry started to cry. "I didn't mean to."

I wrapped him in my arms. He sobbed into my shoulder. I patted him gently. "It's alright, Harry." I tried to comfort him but I'm overwhelmed with guilt too. I'm just better at controlling it.

"It's not alright! I'm a murderer. We're both murderers." Harry yelled.

Harry went on but it went in one ear and out the other. Murderer. That word rang in my head. It repeated over and over again.

"Louis! Are you even listening to me?" Harry pulled me out from my thoughts. "What if they find us here?"

"They won't find us here and if they do, what are they going to do? Accuse us of the fault of two wild animals? Nobody would believe it."

"But that doesn't mean we can just kill people."

"Of course but we did what we could. We won't go back. No more people will get hurt."

"You promise?" Harry asked. His voice sounded innocent, like a child's.


I didn't mean to make promises I can't keep but I really don't know what else I could say to Harry. He needed some sort of emotional support right now and I'm probably the closest to that he can get. I mean, how hard can it be to keep away from other humans? I've been doing it for like almost half a decade now. I think I can handle it.

I lay down on my bed and pulled the blanket over the shoulder. I scooted over to one end of the bed, closer to the wall.

"You can join me if you want. There are more blankets in the second drawer." I said, pointing to the chest of drawers.

Harry opened the top drawer. "The second drawer," I repeated but he was already distracted by what he found. He took out a box. "Harry, don't touch that." I said. He opened it. I got out of bed and marched over. I snatched the box out of his hand. I put it back into the drawer. "Blankets are in the second drawer." I said, angrily throwing open the second drawer. Harry reached into the drawer.

"What's in the box?" Harry asked, taking out a blanket.

"It's none of your business," I hissed.

Harry shrugged and crawled to the end of the bed where I was lying earlier. I wanted to lie nearer to the wall but I guess, this way I could make sure he and his itchy fingers wouldn't climb out of bed and touch my things.

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