Finding the pack

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A/N: Em: Hey! So, i'm writing this chapter so please ignore my bad spelling and I hope you like it. Listen to the song whenever you like.

Taj: This better be a good song!

Em: Yeah, yeah. Its so better then your's though and I have a pic of Ty's wolf.(The pic is Ty's wolf) Enjoy the chapter!

(The pic is Ty's wolf) Enjoy the chapter!

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Ty's POV

"L-Listen," I stuttered. "I-I really have got to g-go" Dang it Ty. I thought to myself. Why do you have to stutter. I ran around the guy, which I really didn't want to do, and sprinted into the woods. "Hey wait!" Mystery man called after me. Don't trust strangers Ty. My mothers words echoed in my head. It was really hard to run away from him. My heart felt like it was breaking. Keep moving, Keep moving. Don't stop, keep moving. I waited until I knew he stopped following me and shifted. Dang it. I thought as the sound of clothes ripping echoed around the trees. Yeah, when you shift, Your clothes don't stay with you. I ran as my huge brown wolf, Dodging trees, bushes, and fallen logs. Only pausing occasionally pausing to sniff the air and figure out if i'm going the right way.

An hour later, I arrived at the house. Correction. Mansion. I arrived at the mansion. Literally. It was huge. I must be in the back yard. I thought as I saw the large field with soccer goals, A basketball court, and a track. I hid behind a tree, still in wolf form and realized that there were clothes hidden in the roots. I grabbed the largest basketball shorts that I could find and largest shirt and shifted. I may not be muscly, but I was quite tall. I quickly put on the clothes and took a deep breath to calm my nerves. I walked out in the back yard and moved around to the front of the house. No one even glanced at me. Mostly because everyone was busy running around, and i was busy trying to stay hidden in the woods.

I reached the front door and rang the door bell. I waited a few minuets until I realized that the doorbell was broken. so, I knocked on the door and almost instantly, a young woman had opened the door. She was probably tall for her age, but she was still a midget compared to me and had to crane her neck at me and scrunch up her eyes."Can I help you?" She asked."Umm, yes actually," I could smell the werewolf on her, so I knew it was okay to tell her who I was."My name is Tyler-" She cut me off before I could finish. "Oh, Alpha!" She exclaimed with realization. "I didn't realize it was you!" I chuckled quietly at this knowing that, as future Alpha king, I was taller then most, maybe all, werewolves. "Well come in, come in!" She said excitedly. I, on the other hand, was nervous about so many other weres. I ducked down to get through the doorway. "Your father said you would be tall, But we didn't know you were this tall! You were supposed to arrive tomorrow morning!" She explained."Not everything will be ready." "Are there any clothes i can wear?" I asked. Even these large clothes were smallish on me. "Of course, of course!"

She took me to a room with bright green walls and a black smokey design on them. "Your clothes are here" She said, pointing to a Walk in closet. "And the bathroom is here" She pointed to a door near the king size bed."If you need anything, just ring this bell and one of the male servants will come assist you." I took the small bell and looked at her."Thank you-" 

 "Evelyn" She finished for me. 

"Thank you Evelyn"

When she left the room I went into the bathroom and my eyes widened at the sight of it. There was a large walk in shower, a large bath tub, a very nice sink, and (obviously) a toilet. I took a quick shower and wrapped a towel around my waist when I was done. I want into the walk in closet and changed into some black skinny jeans, and a neon green loose tank top. I combed my long hair and blow dried it until it was nice, fluffy, and my bangs went over my eyes.

When I was satisfied with my appearance, and slipped on some black converse and headed down stairs where my pack was waiting.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Em: Hope you guys like it!

Taj: Yeah, yeah. The song was okay.

Em: Don't lie, it was better then yours. Anyway,

Both: Pack out!

Em: (howls)

Taj: (Hisses)

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