I Love You...?

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Ty's POV
I looked down at our hands, which were still connected. I looked at the crowd, who were staring in awe.
That's when I lost it...
That's when he lost me.
I ran. I ran off the rock, pass the crowd, into the woods, Adam yelling in worry and fear. He was yelling for me to come back to him.
But I didn't, I kept running, and I wasn't planning on turning back.
Adam's POV
Try ran away from me. Was he afraid of me? Could he not take the heat of being the king? Did he not want to be with me? Was I taking it too far?
So many questions were filling up my head, questions I was too afraid to answer. He hated me, I knew he did. We were supposed to be mates, and he hated me...
Or maybe, he didn't.
He was a werewolf, raised by his human mother. He never knew what a mate was, or what it felt like to find them. I did, but he didn't. He was afraid. He thought he did something wrong, but he didn't. He fell in love, with me, and I was in love with him.
I can't let him go like this, I have to go after him.
I ran over to Ty's advisor, in a worried voice I whispered, "Get a search party ready, we must find him at all costs."
He looked at me, his expression had not changed. "Who is going to lead the parties, huh?"
I looked off into the direction my baby had gone, tears threatening to fall. "I'm the reason he's gone" I let a sad smile appear on my lips, "So, I'll find him."
Time skip, 1 week
A week has passed and we still have found nothing. No sign of Ty, no sign of my baby, no sign of my king, no sign of him. I can't even think straight anymore. I haven't eaten in days, I haven't really drunk much either. I haven't bathed, or left the house since I came back with the first search party. He could be hurt, or worse. It's all my fault, the love of my life is gone, and it's all because of me...
There's no point of living if you can't be happy.
If you ever feel any thoughts of worthlessness, thoughts of suicide, or know anyone with these feelings, contact the Suicide Hotline as soon as possible at  1-800-273-8255
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He was my everything, and now he is gone. I can't do this anymore.
I love you, Ty, I love you, babe...
Ty's POV
I finally arrived at the front of my home. I learned everything I needed to know about mates, thanks to my wolf. Adam was my mate, that's why I felt sparks when I touched him, it's why I felt my wolf get all excited when I was near him. I felt a deeper connection with him than I have ever felt with anyone else. I liked him, a lot.
I looked at the door nob, grabbed it, and slowly turned it, opening the door to one of the saddest things I had ever seen.
Adam, on the floor, in a ball, crying, telling himself he should've done better, that he should've taken care of me.
That's when I felt it, guilt.
Tears began to run down my face, seeing Adam, looking so terrible, so vulnerable made me want to take all of his pain away.
So I cried.
I cried so he knew I felt guilty.
He looked up, started at the sudden cries above him. His expression changed, from sadness to relief.
"Ty..." He began, moving closer to me.
"I'm sorry..." I cried, hoping he would forgive me. He pulled me into him, cuddling me, wrapping his arms around me, straddling my tiny hips. I never wanted to leave his grasp, but I had to apologize.
"Adam, I..."
"Have you eaten at all babe?"
I looked at him, he was staring at my small stomach. He gently put his hand on it and rubbed it, as if there a baby inside there.
I slightly giggled at his movements and adjusted myself so I was on his lap, my legs wrapping around his waist, and my arms snaking around his neck.
"No, not recently. Have you, you seem a bit thin."
"Who cares about me Ty, you've been out in the woods for the past week. Let me make us something, maybe some nice sandwiches?"
I nodded, and he stood up, with me still wrapped around him.
"Yes, love?" He started sliding his hands under my butt so he could lift me up better.
"C-c-can you p-pl-please put me d-do-down." I stumbled on my words. He just smiled sweetly down at me.
"Of course hun."
He nuzzled my neck, gently put me down on the couch and went into the kitchen to make us some food. I followed behind him, thinking sadly to myself about what I could've done better, so he wasn't this broken.
We finished eating our sandwiches, and Adam put the dishes in the dishwasher. While he was in the kitchen I began to cry. I was a useless excuse for a mate, let alone a king. Why did anyone ever love me? Adam came out, and ran over to me, pulling me into his lap. I cried more and more until I was all out of tears.
"Ty, baby, what's wrong?" Adam lifted me up so I was facing him, and I started ranting.
"I'm useless, I'm a waste of air, I'm nothing, I will always be nothing. Everyone was right, I am no fit to be a king, I'm still only a teenager, I'm not trustworthy, how can I take care of an entire kingdom if I can't even take care of myself. Why do you even love me, Adam, why, just why!"
"I love you for many reasons babe, I love you because you're beautiful, you're kind, you're brave, and you're smart. You were able to lead an entire army into battle without any military experience. You're an amazing person Ty, it doesn't take a genius to know that. I love and care for you so much baby, and I won't ever let anyone, especially yourself, tell you otherwise. You're the light of my life, and I need you to survive. That's why I love you Ty, and I always will."
Adam smiled, and I cried tears of joy. Adam kissed my eye, and I giggled. Then he kissed my cheek, and I giggled again.
"Adam, stop it!"
He looked at me, I looked at him. He brought his face closer to mine, and kissed me. Just a small peck, but it still made me uncomfortable. I shifted a bit, moving my butt.
"Ty? What's wrong?" He tightened his grip on me as if I was going to run away again.
"I just..."
"You can tell me anything baby, you know that."
"When I was fifteen, I had a bit of an abusive boyfriend. He used to hit me a lot, and tried to force me to, well, you know, so I get a little nervous when people kiss me, that's all."
Adam was changing, his eyes were turning black, he was shaking, he let go of me, his wolf was coming out, he was jealous, and he was upset. I was scared, but I knew what to do.
"Adam, Adam, hey, it's ok, I'm ok, everything is ok." I started stroking his face. "Just look at me sweetie, ok, look at me and try to relax."
Adam calmed down a bit and sniffed me. He smiled and nuzzled my neck.
"I'm so sorry Ty, I'm just really upset you had to ever go through that."
"Adam, your fine, I'm fine, everything is ok. I promise."
I gave him a huge hug, and he hugged back. My butt was sticking up in the air.
"I love you, Ty," he slipped his hands onto my butt. "I love you so much."
He loved me
I liked him
But did I love him?
I don't think I do...

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