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Please comment what,you guys think, on all the chapters, cause I don't know im just writing this for fun, or if people are enjoying this xxx


Lacy May Robertson is known as the school "slut"

But the funny thing is, she hasn't don't any of the things she has been rumoured to do.

- She slept with the whole class of 2011 Football team.

- She slept with her English and science teacher for better grades.

- And she has taken away all the virginities of all the boys.

- And she got pregnant, but didn't know who he father was so got an abortion.

My Ex step dad started most of the rumours at school, with him being a teacher there and all.

All not true.

Well except maybe the last one, but they twisted that around.

Yes I got pregnant, but not from anyone at school.

My step dad sexually abused me for 1 and a half months. I became pregnant but had a miscarriage, 3 months after I found out.

Leon, my ex step dad. Got sent to prison, after I phoned the police, telling them I was being sexually abused.

Nobody at school knew I was abused, and that I miscarriaged. Nobody bothered to find out the truth before they started gossiping.

My mother was devastated when the police broke the news to her about what Leon had been doing while she was working night shifts.

I never saw her, so I never got to tell her. And he also told me that of I didn't tell anyone, he would kill me.

And he always found an excuse to take my phone, so that I couldn't phone the police of mum during school.

Like one time, he made some ghastly lie about me "hitting" him. So they took my electronics. So one day , while I was at school, Borrowed my favourite teacher, Miss Pinckney's phone, and called the police.

They came within 15, and escorted me out of school, they phoned my mother - who was at home asleep at the time to come and get questioned at the station.

I stayed in a protection program for a week, while they questioned just about everyone, mum, Leon, teachers.

Leon of course denied everything, saying that he loved me, and that he would never even hurt a fly - which is another lie, 'cause when he moved into our house, he got the fly squatter and killed a Fly.

They found evidence against him, and locked him up. He got 9 years custody, for raping and sexually assaulting an over 16 years old, and getting me pregnant.

Also get all of his trusts to support the baby, and a restraining order was placed against him so he could never be within 200meters of me or the baby.

Not that it mattered anymore, the baby was gone.


Hey guys!

First chapter, please tell me what you think.

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