Chapter 4

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Mum and I went home straight after Counselling.

Mum had already been in the phone to Eleanor, and booked tickets. All I needed to do was pack.

I'm not going back to school. And if things go well over with Eleanor, I might stay, to to college there. Who knows, maybe I might find Mr.

Right over there.

"I wouldn't take room any clothes, Hun" mum said, coming into my room as I bring out 2 suitcases. One was going to be filled with clothes, and the other only 1/3 full. So that if I buy new stuff,then it will fit.

And knowing Eleanor, we will be going shopping.

"Your flight is in 2 days" mum said, folding t shirts and placing then nicely into the bag.

"Are you sure you will be okay, mum?" I asked, worried about my mother.

She may seem strong on the outside, but in the inside, everything is eating her alive. And now I don't know if it is a good idea that I go.

"I'm not sure about this, mum" I say, placing a bikini in the bag, then sitting next to it.

"Not user about what Hun? Because if you are really worried about leaving me, please don't. I'm a big girl now, and I've got my sleepovers all planned" she said, kissing my forehead.

My mum is honestly, the best. When my dad got sick, she stayed strong, for my sake. And then, when he died, she would only cry at night, in her bedroom.

She has given me everything I could of asked for, and more. And supports me with any idea, or things I want to accomplish, even if they are crazy!

She gave up her life as a teen to have me, and I don't say it too her enough. But I thank her, everyday.

She is always there for me. Boy trouble, Friend trouble, girly issues. Any troubles that I have.


I decide to Skype Eleanor using mums laptop, because we hadn't done it in a while.

Luckily, she was online, so I just pressed the call button. And within 20 seconds, her face popped up.

"Lacy!" She said.

"Ellie!" I said back.

"I can't wait for you to come up! Oh my goodness, it's going to be so much

fun!" She says.

"El!" I hear a males voice call out through the laptop. Sure enough, El's boyfriend, Louis walks in.

"Who you taking to, babe?" He asks.

"Lacy, you've meet her a few times" she says to him. He waves to me.

"Hey Lacy! I hear your coming to stay for a bit?" He says.

"Hey" I say "yea I am" I kinda laugh to myself.

I wonder if any of them know about Leon? El knows I was pregnant, but I don't know if she knows I lost the baby, or that it was Leon's.

"Well, we got some fun days all planned out" Louis says.

"It will be lots of fun, Lac" El said excitedly.

"I come in 2 days, and I think my flight lands at about 6pm" I say.

"Yep, we've got it all sorted out. Louis and I will some and pick you up, and we'll go around to The boys place for a BBQ, and so you can catch up with the boys" El explains. I nodd, showing her I was following.

"Sounds good" I say, while packing the last few pieces of clothing into my bag.

"We have to go to a dinner with the guys" El tells me "but we will text, okay?" She says

"Okay, have fun" I say. We both say good bupyr, and the sign off.

This is gong to be fun, I can defiantly tell you that.


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