Chapter 5

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I tied my long brown hair into a knot on the top of my head, and the placed my purple, Jack Wills hoodie over my head.

It was 1am in the morning, and mum was dropping me off at the airport. Today was the day I was going to England.

I had on my black leggings, with different coloured crosses on them. Pink uggs, and a white backpack with a couple of magazines, lollies, a drink and gum inside.

I did any shopping I needed to do yesterday, and I also didn't bring anything that was not nessasery in the first couple of weeks, just till I settle in.

We used the money that Leon had to give me, for the baby, to buy this trip.

Loosing that baby, meant that I could carry in being a teenager, going out with friends, having boyfriends.

And I don't have any friends here, so it will be soo good to go back to England, and hang out with people my own age, who haven't heard about the rumours, and where I can pretend nothing with Leon happened.

"Ready babe?" Mum called from the kitchen, she had her keys in one hand, and one of my bag on the other. I carry my smaller duffle bag out of my bedroom, and shut the door.

I say a quick goodbye to my cat, Geff, and then meet mum.

I grab my other bag, and we make our way to the car. Mum helps me put my bags in the boot, and then I get in the passenger seat, with her driving.

"Of you get into any trouble while you are over there, just ring me. And promise me you will Skype me at least once a week!" She said, holding my hand as well drove to the airport.

"I'll just have to steal El laptop for an hour or two once a week then" I said.

My laptop broke about 6 months ago, I've been working to save up to get a new one, but after I got the news I was expecting, It all sorta went down the drain with medical bills, and lawyers to protect myself and the baby.

"I've been doing a little saving as well" mum said "it was meant to be your Christmas present, but I can't not see my baby. And you probably won't be here for Christmas"

"So I get my present now?" I said excitedly.

I love opening things. Envelopes, gates, doors, and unwrapping things like presents. I don't really care what's on the inside, I just like it for some reason.

"Yes" she said reaching over to the back seat, once we had reached the lights, grabbing a medium sized rectangular box, wrapped in Christmas paper.

"Do I open it now?" I asked, mum nodded. The lights turned green, so the car flew forward.

I carelessly ripped the paper back, revealing the box, to a MacBook Air.

"Thank you! Thank you, thank you" I squealed giving her a small hug, it would of been a lot bigger of she weren't driving!

"You deserve the best, baby. You'll just have to set it up when you get to Ellie's, because there was no point on setting it up for here"

The only device my mum uses, is her laptop, and even that is old and cruddy. She Rufus's to buy a new one, and she won't buy herself a new phone either! She has a Nokia, yup that's right, a brick phone. When she does finally get a new phone, I get to throw her Nokia off the roof.

I just have this dream, of throwing a phone off the top of a building. Don't ask why, because I have no idea, but it sounds like a lot of fun.


Mum found a park in the airport. She was gong to come in with me, till my flight was actually ready to leave. I'm hear for the next 2 hours, and mum is already awake, so she might as well.

"Wanna grab some food?" Mum asked, right in cue, my stomach grumbled. We both laughed

"I'll take that as a yes then!" Mum said.

We found a McDonald's, and ordered some food. I never realised I was this hungry till she mentioned food.

El is in London, with her boyfriend. So They are currently about 8 hours In Front of us. El will either already be up, or waking up soon. I decide to text her, and just tell her I am at the airport.

Mum and I sit down, and eat out food.

I get my bags checked in, everything. I am all set.

After about 2 hours of waiting. My flight is called, I say my last, finally goodbye to mum. And then walked towards the large plane.


Please comment what you be thinking about the story so far!

I know this is like the 5th chapter, and still no sign or One direction. But hold up, the are coming :)))))))


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