1: The Country Next Door

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Story by: WaffleNeko

•Your POV•

Skip, skipping hop. Hopping through the wet sidewalks of England. I'm (Y/n) (L/n). I just moved here in England recently, I always dreamed of living here. Royal family viewings, fairy tales! But the damn shit I'm sick of is the weather, but it's England, if it's not rainy here then it wouldn't be England!

Though, there are some things I'm interested in other than these things. Countries. No, I'm not talking about traveling, I'm talking about the living, breathing and alive representatives. What are they? I'd really like to meet one. Immortality, something I'd never believe. But there's this one rumor I've been hearing from the other folks, "A country can only make one person immortal." One person only? It'd be a shame to waste that power on someone you don't trust. I'm guessing that the countries are just scared to waste such a chance. What if you give that opportunity to someone wrong? Someone you trusted, but betrayed you.

This one question stirring up in my head, 'Would you be a mortal and die, or be immortal and watch everyone you truly love die?'

Well, I'd choose neither of those options. As I said I'd really want to meet a country and-!

Holy fuck I bumped into someone. Agh, my butt hurts. I got up and didn't make eye contact to the man I bumped in to. Dammit, I was spacing out again while walking, this is what I get for thinking too much. The man was wearing a black trench coat and black sunglasses. His messy blonde hair and big bushy eyebrows were observable.

"Oh dear, I'm sorry, love." He faced me and smiled. His British accent... Damn, it was just as smooth as the highway through hell!

"N-No! I'm sorry! I-I wasn't paying attention on where I was going, heh..." I laughed nervously. He took off his sunglasses and I saw a handsome face... Oh dear god, what the hell am I thinking? Thinking that a man I bumped into with a scary black trench coat is handsome. Okay. This is totally normal. Great job (Y/n).

He chuckled softly, "It's ok, dear. Just don't space out next time." That smile could make any girl fall for him.

"I'm England, or you can just call me Arthur," He held out his hand for me to shake it. A-A country? Just great. Before nervously thinking about it, I shaked his hand.

"(Y/n) (L/n). N-Nice to meet you."

"Hm, why is it that a beautiful lady like you is just walking around in this rainy country? Shouldn't you walk your days off with someone special?" He complimented. I could feel my cheeks burn.

"I-I'm not really pretty– as what I was told– I mean, like, u-uh... T-Thanks...?" I stuttered. I could feel a headache coming through due to my stupidness.

"I hope you're not freaked out about me being a country or anything, there's really nothing superior about it. But you bumping into me is just really weird, huh?" He laughed.

I laughed as well, "Y-Yeah."

"I'll be seeing you again, love. But for now, I better get going." And with that, he walked away, disappearing in the fog far from my sight.

"Ah, home sweet home!" I threw my keys somewhere across the room and plopped on the couch. My vision was about to get blurry, I was ready to fall asleep until I heard beeping.

I sat up and saw that there were moving vans near the house beside me. "New neighbors!" I gasped. It was quite interesting, who could it be?

I got up and put on my shoes. It'd be rude not to give any gifts, so I got some fresh flowers from the front yard and tied a ribbon to it. I ran to the house and stopped in front of the doorway.

"Deep breaths (y/n), deep breaths. Maybe you can finally make a friend." I muttered. But just as I was gonna knock on the door, it immediately opened.

"Oh, (y/n), love, what are you doing here?" Wait... That voice... It's...! IT'S-

"A-Arthur!" I was shocked. A country, in my neighborhood, especially beside my house. This could get interesting.

"The one and only invincible gentleman." He laughed lightly and smiled. This feeling was weird... What am I feeling? Nervousness? Happiness? Both?

"Y-You're my new neighbor! I live in the house to your right!"

"Oh, is that so? Well, I guess we're gonna grow into pals, eh?" His smile will never come off clean in my memory. A country, living next door to me, I have so much questions to ask him, yet I fear that he'd find me annoying...

These feelings... Are something new...

To Be Continued...

Yay, Iggybrows! Finally made an X Reader for him!

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