Chapter Twelve

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"You should get some rest," I tell Fallon, rising to my feet.

We stand up in unison and she wraps her fingers around my arm. She stares at me with a hint of drunken lust in her eyes. Even though she's completely intoxicated, she seems well aware that I have completely disregarded her previous comment. I try to side step her and get back to the window, but she inches closer and presses her body against mine. Her hand moves from my arm and up to my jaw. Her finger traces my jawline and then my lips as she stares at me with an inexplicable hunger in her eyes.

"Riley..." She purrs, brushing her other hand against my thigh.

I feel a lump forming in my throat as her dark blue eyes remain fixed on mine. She gives me a bit of a push on the chest and I sit down on her bed, staring up at her. She places one hand beside me and brings her face extremely close to mine. I try working up the willpower to think about other things. I try to think about Sutton. I try to think about how happy I was earlier. But it almost feels like Fallon has me under a spell. She steps between my legs and slowly removes her shirt. She pulls it over her head and lets it fall to the floor as she runs her hands through her long, dark hair. She reaches behind her back and unclasps her bra, taking it off and dropping it onto the ground.

I cast my gaze to the floor in an effort to avoid admiring her body. Her fingers find their way beneath my chin and she tilts my head up to look at her. Her bare chest is a bit bigger than the last time I saw it. She still has freckles lightly dotting her chest. Her slim, toned stomach now adorns a shimmering belly button piercing. I gaze at her and find it even harder to think about anything else. I know I shouldn't, but I slowly reach out a hand and let it rest on Fallon's flat stomach. She inches closer to me and I impulsively slide my hand a little further up her abdomen. She closes her fingers around my hand and brings it to her chest, resting it there. I swallow hard as Fallon leans in and tangles one of her hands in the back of my hair. She presses her forehead to mine and lingers there, breathing against my lips. I take in the scent of alcohol and in that moment, I'm completely intoxicated by Fallon. She has won.

I give in and press my lips against hers hard. She pulls the handful of my hair and I roughly grab her hips and pull her closer to me. Our lips part and she pushes me down onto her bed, climbing on top of me and kissing me with ferocity. She tears at my clothes and I pull hers off too. I sit up and Fallon runs her nails up my back. I push her onto her back and hold myself above her. I brush my lips along her neck, letting my hands roam across her stomach once more. I bite her neck softly and receive a moan from her in response. I kiss her collar bone and move my mouth to her breast. She quickly grabs my face and pulls me back up to her lips again. I take her bottom lip between my teeth and give it a tug. She moans loudly into my mouth and guides my hand between her legs...

✾ ✾ ✾ ✾ ✾ ✾ ✾ ✾ ✾ ✾

I groan as I set my phone down harshly on the counter. I stomp to the fridge and pull out a carton of milk, dumping its contents into my bowl of Cheerios. I'm anything but cheery. Parker walks into the kitchen and scratches at her neck as she yawns loudly. She picks up the milk carton and brings it to her lips, chugging mouthfuls of milk. She closes the carton and sticks it in the fridge before joining me at the table. I stare into my cereal bowl and Parker examines me.

"What's gotcha down, kid?" She asks, "I thought you had a great time last night."

"I did! But, I texted Riley like six times and she hasn't replied... I've called her, like, three times too. It's already ten o'clock. I'm worried about her." I sigh, spooning some Cheerios into my mouth.

"I'm sure she's fine, Sutts. You just like her a lot, so you're all worried about her. It's natural." Parker laughs and pats my hand.

"I hope you're right," I frown, finishing up my cereal.

After breakfast, I take a quick shower and get dressed. Not long after that, Riley returns my calls. I answer excitedly and she has somewhat of a dismal voice.

"Where have you been?" I ask, "I woke up and you weren't here. I was worried."

"I had to go to Fallon's house. She was crying, she just needed somebody there with her." Riley mutters.

"Oh, why? What happened?"

"Somebody sent her a nasty email. I'm sorry I left without warning. I just really needed to help her out," She explains.

"Are you okay?" I ask, sitting down on the edge of my bed.

"Yeah. I'm just... Exhausted. Look, Sutton, I had a really great time last night." Riley says.

"So did I! It was-"

"But." Riley interrupts.

"But... What?" I say nervously.

"It was great. So great. But I think I need to douse an old spark... I'm not good enough for you, Sutton." She sighs.

"W-What? What are you talking about, Riley? Don't be stupid."

"I'm serious. I'm not-Agh... Alright. Look. I need to talk to you in person... Call me back in two hours. Okay?"

"Okay," I murmur, hanging up the phone with a heavy heart.

I sink into my bed and stare up at the ceiling. Tears blur my vision and begin streaming down my face. I quickly bury my face in my hands and let myself become unhinged. I sob and feel unrelenting disappointment. I can't believe I destroyed my entire friendship with Cora. I can't believe I let myself think that someone like Riley could care about me. I pound my fists into my bed a few times and try to catch my breath. I think it's safe to say that I'm completely hysterical by the time Parker comes into my room. I tell at her to go away but she barges in and shuts the door anyway. She plops down beside me and rubs my back.

"What's wrong, little sister?"

"Parker, she d-doesn't care about-about me." I stutter, wiping furiously at my eyeballs.

"Yes she does, Sutton. I saw the way she looked at you last night. Why do you say that?"

"She said she needs to... Stop an old fire or some stupid shit like that," I cry, sitting up and trying to breathe.

"Sutton, I'm sure things are just-"

"Please, just leave me alone... Please." I snap.

Parker gets up and walks out the door, walking down the hallway. I begin to wish she would have stayed. But I think she knows what's best for me. I wipe at my eyes again and shake my head as I attempt to stop crying... What is going on?

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