Chapter 4 ~ The Last Moment

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Kelsey's POV

This was the last time I was going to see him in a very long time. I never wanted this day to come but it did. It came way faster than expected. We spent every second we could with each other. We never brought up that one night thought because we both didn't feel like we should talk relationships. He was going to leave so there was no point in dating right now.

"Kelsey, its time for you to go." My mom told me. 

"Ok." I sighed. I was in my lazy day outfit because I felt that there was no point in changing. 

I walked out of the front door and over to Louis' house. It felt like a very long walk even though it was only fifteen minutes.

I was broken inside. I finally made a friend and now he was leaving. What was the point of even meeting him if he was just going to leave and break my heart. It would have been better that I didn't meet him. What was I going to do without him? Go back to my old life of being pushed around and made fun of for being so quiet, that wasn't an option. I would just have to meet new people and be social.

Maybe I shouldn't say goodbye. Maybe I should just go home and forget about Louis and all our memories together, it would be better for me. Besides, he would probably forget about me after a week. 

I stopped walking and decided I would just leave and forget about him. I didn't need him in my life anyways. 

Maybe I should get a job, that would help my poor social skills. Maybe I could do some after school programs. I could get out more instead of just sitting in my house and being a loner.

I opened my wallet and checked how much money I had. Twenty dollars. What was twenty dollars going to buy? That was the only thing that made me realize I really do need to get a job.

I headed back home with a whole idea of what I wanted to do today.

Louis' POV

Where was she? Kelsey was supposed to be here an hour ago. This was my last day of being in Doncaster and we planned on spending it together. Why was she ditching me?

"Boo bear, its going to be ok. Maybe something came up." My mom said while hugging me. She knew how much Kelsey meant to me and she understood why I was so upset.

"What if something bad happened to her?" I said.

"Then call her." 

"Ok." I sighed, pulling out my phone. I dialed her number and waited for her sweet voice. It never came. I called her at least seven times but she never picked up. Eventually, I gave up.

Maybe this was for the best. I hope it was at least.

"Mom, I'm gonna go for a walk." I called out.

"Ok but wear a jacket, its a bit cold out." 

"Alright mom." I sighed. I grabbed my winter jacket and walked out the door towards my friends house. Might as well say bye to them.

*The Next Day*

I woke up feeling terrible. I wanted to see Kelsey so badly but for some reason she didn't want to see me. Or at least it felt like that.

Maybe if I sent her text telling her how I feel would work.

To: Kelsey Boo! - Kels, I really miss you. I don't understand why you didn't come see me yesterday. Maybe your thinking that its for the best but I don't. I'll be at the airport at 12. I will know for sure that you care for me if you come but if you dont, I understand.  xx Lou Bear

I hit send and sat silently in my bed. Everything was packed and gone except for one pair of clothes that I was going to wear today.

At first, I wanted to go so badly but now, I kind of regret it. I didn't realize I would meet someone so amazing.

"Louis, are you ready?" My mom asked me as she opened my bedroom door.

"Yes." I sighed. She exited my room to leave me to get changed. I put on my warm sweater then headed downstairs.

This was the last time I would see my house in a long time.

Time was ticking faster and Kelsey still didn't come see me. It was time to board the plane now and time was really running out. I guess she really didn't care for me as much as I did for her.

I finally decided to just board the plane and get over her. I lined up and gave the lady my ticket. I started to walk down the hallway until I dropped my phone. When I got back up from picking up my phone, I looked back out from where I was before. The door was closing but there stood Kelsey in the distance watching me. That was all I needed to know that she did care.

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