Chapter 16

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Sara's POV (after 1 month)
Me and Robert have been ignoring each other. I don't like it. I even tried talking to him but looks like he is not interested in talking with me. But on the other hand jace and I have become pretty good friends. He is a flirt, I tell you, but he is very good at heart.

I don't know what's Robert's problem with Jace. I asked zeke to ask him but looks like Robert himself isn't aware of his problem with Jace.

Our school has started teaching self -defense and I have been actively participative in it.
And on other hand I wanted to learn tennis so I have been going and learning it too.

I also help granny do her daily chores because I feel good talking to her. She is very understanding and caring and funny.

I just don't understand why is Robert not similar to what granny is..... he was very good at first now what happened? Why this attitude and all? Is he bipolar? Stupid.... idiot. Ughh..... this silence is deafening!

Anyway today Jace and I are going to the park. Jace is so amazing.... not like Robert, the bipolar psycho. Why wouldn't he talk to me? What have I done? Okay now maybe I should stop thinking about that asshole.

I am getting ready to meet Jace so I put a bit pink lipgloss fill my eyebrows. I take my purse and start moving out.
Robert is sitting out in the couch watching TV. As soon as I pass by him he looks at me by the corner of his eyes, and you know what my next reaction is?

"You can stare at me trying not to show it but you can't talk to me!"

He just raises his eyebrows and goes in his room. I feel my jeart in so much pain that I want to scream and cry a lot. But I won't do it. Atleast not here. I walk quickly to open the door and move out of the house. My eyes are burning and a single tear escapes my eye.
I have to meet Jace... he is better...

After walking some distance I reach. I can see Jace waving at me, trying to hold two ice cream cones in one hand and a huge grin plastered on his face. My sadness is immediately replaced by happiness.
Jace is one of those people who has control over my feelings. He can make me happy and make me laugh in the most miserable situation.

I remember it happened last week that Mrs. Cale had given homework to us and I fell ill the next day. I don't know who told the teacher that I hadn't come to school because there was a lot of homework. And so I got a detention and had to stay at school and complete my work.
It was no one but Jace who stayed back, made me laugh and helped me complete my work.

I think I like Jace. No I am sure I like him. Not only he is attractive but also very funny and understanding. I want to date him! It's been one month and I already like a person?! Funny as it sounds but I really really like him. Yes if I date him, I can also forget about Robert. I want to forget about Robert and our fights. I want to be happy! And I think only Jace can make me happy...

He jogs and comes towards me. "Hey Sara-poooo! Wassup?"

I look up and say "I think it is the sky!" He plays along and pretends to look up and confirm "oh yeah! It is!"

We both laugh. He gives me the ice cream cone and tells me to eat it. We sit by a near by bench and he continuously flirts me making me blush profoundly. Seeing me blush he chuckles and kisses my forehead. I am so shocked. I look up wide eyed and he gives a sly smile and starts saying "look sara the reason I told you to come here was that I wanted to tell you something. "

Now I am excited I want to date him.... and now I think it is regarding that.
"You can continue....."
"Ummm..... okay.... so look sara the first day I saw you I thought you would be like any other girl.
But now I know that you are not any other girl, you are the funny, beautiful and smart Sara. And I really like you. I know it's only been one month but I know I like you a lot. So would you be my girlfriend sara? Please?"

I saw the expectations in his eyes and I knew my answer too. I thought it would be the best if I dated Jace and forget about Robert. But I was still speechless because no one had said this to me before.
"Say something please....."
"Jace as stupid it sounds... but I hated you initially but then I figured out that you were amazing so.... I think I am going to date you!"
He stares at me wide-eyed and then his lips curve into a attractive smile. He stands up and pulls me to my feet and hugs me. Then he tries to lean in for a kiss but I push him back.

"please Jace I have never kissed before and I don't think I am ready for anything touchy.....I am sorry"

"Oh no Sara! don't say sorry.... I understand. It is okay." He says with an assuring smile.

We stand there hand in hand. I don't know if I have made the correct choice. But now I don't care because I am not upset.... I am happy. And Jace is not like Robert!
But still I can't understand why I can't stop thinking about Robert!

Hey guys so I updated! Comment what you feel!
Keep smiling
- aakansha

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