The Way To a Bloggers Heart|Vampire Diares

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A/N: Sooo this is under major reconstruction. Sorry...


Blog entry one:

Hello, Fellow Bloggers.

January 17, 2012.


Okay here we go. How do you start a blog? Should I just start spouting out random thoughts or bits of my day to an unseen seemingly inexistent audience? I guess it's more of a personal therapy in a way. To write and get these ideas and thoughts out, except in the contents of a box instead of on paper. I've tried the journal thing, but physically writing takes too much of my time. Although I wish that it did not.

Every teenager is going to have their times when they want to talk to someone, well why the public? Especially when a lot of what you all are doing is writing fiction about your Vampire boyfriend. Yea we know he's a figment of your imagination. Get over it, your necks fine, you're safe. He's not going to go into your house an eat you, but yes he is going to watch you have nightmares.


I mean, it's not like he's going to go all Edward Cullen on you now, and start eating bunny's. Just so that you feel safe. No, he's going to rip your face off. No I'm joking, he's going to run away and eat Bambi. Not kidding there. To resist himself from ripping your throat out he's going to take a visit to the meadow and have a tea party with the Mad Hatter and the bunny, and then skip off into the sunset to go chow down on Bambi and his friends.

Honestly people, where is your sanity?

Okay..I get the Stephanie Meyer set off the Vampire trend, but if you're going to start making fake story on a blog maybe you really need to rethink your life. Well, that's what I'm going to do with mine, pure truth and answers to all your questions. How are you supposed to end one of these without being awkward, any ideas?



A near 80 blogs and two Youtube videos later and I was on a plane to see my grandma. After retirement my grandma had moved from her warm and safe house in New Orleans to this residential area in Mystic Falls, VIrgina. People criticized me, sent me hate messages and even mail. They wouldn't hate me so much if it wasn't true, sorry.

My first 4 blog entries weren't about well, vampires. I mean the first one was but it was just a common mistake I was pissed at stupid 15 year old girls. The second one was about bulling and how seriously dysfunctional in the head some people really were. Third? The third one was about how the fuck could Edward Cullen even exist, when we didn't even know how Carlisle got there..? Fourth, why parents aloud their children to watch Vampire crap. Okay, maybe they were about vampires...a little. But it was mainly when I was brought off topic. After that people started replying, which sure surprised me. They talked about how they understood where I was coming from or absolutely hated me for criticizing their precious friends. So I guess you could say I was obsessed with hating Vampires....yea I have a problem at least I admit it. Unlike those girls..

That's at least what it looked like in public. When I just liked pointing out the mistakes people made when coming up with loopholes to cover up the made up crap. Every time someone had an excuse I had a better one.

Well, Mystic Falls, as I came to know the name of the town as, took my life shook it, and then turned it completely upside down. I became a fish out of water and had to learn to adapt and live that way.

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