Chapter 9 sneak peak

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Author's note: I am sooooo sorry. I've had so much going on at school and I couldn't update on here. I didn't have time and I had such stressy projects that I couldn't stress over a new chapter too, but I have 3 more days of school and then summer vacation and I'll go wacko with the chapters promise. But I love my fans who I've been talking to you all are so amazing! So here's my sneak peak of chapter 9 hopefully the full chapter is up by next weekend, I'll try to work for the rest of the day and add more to the sneak peek later on but I just got home and I have to clean my room. Love you guys! xx

P.S It's kinda on the serious note, but I promise it'll get funny later! And in all honesty I'm not quiet sure what's going on with this chapter, I've just been kind of writing it, at least after the first couple sentences when it goes back to Damon. Oh and I didn't wanna give you too much since it's a sneak peek but I am currently writing and trying to clean my room, mainly writing. Sorry for the intensly long authors note. haha.

Tell me what you think! Please. ha. :P

Chapter 9:


 What had I done? I had been so mad, and I just couldn’t control myself. What was my problem? She shouldn’t have been in my way, I told her to leave. It was her fault, I told her to leave. No, what am I talking about, I should have controlled myself. I swallowed hard and tried to focus on something other than her sleeping body next to me. I hadn’t told anyone, and I wasn’t going to.

 “Damon…” Aimee moaned for the millionth time in her sleep, I sighed. She kept saying my name and/or screaming. Sometimes screaming my name like she was dying in nightmares that I couldn’t help her with. I rolled over and gently pushed the hair out of her face.

 “Aimee I’m here you’re okay...” I said gently stroking her face. ‘What had I done…’



I ran, I ran and I ran. From what I don’t know, I just ran my legs were moving without my brain telling them to and from what I could tell, I’m glad they were. I stopped, breathing heavily and looked around my head whipping from one side to the next. Where should I go?

It was dark, the moon was out, creating a blue tint on the surrounding forest. Beyond ten feet you couldn’t see, my feet crunched against the leaves as I looked for a ‘safe’ direction to pick. Anywhere I went, whatever was following me would just chase me further.


 My head whipped the left, what was that?


 The left, what is going on? My mind was racing at a nonexistent speed. I took a step in a random direction and with a thump I was against a ruff tree, I could feel the jagged sharpness of the bark. It was him, he didn’t seem normal, and each breathe I took I felt like it would be my last. It was hard to breathe by the look of him I felt as if my rib cage was collapsing over my lungs.

 “This is how… we do…this..” he said, taking my left wrist and bringing it to his moist lips. I was completely paralyzed, my body not listening to the actions my brain gave it, if it gave any at all. He punctured nearly each side of it; dropping it and taking his own he did the same.

 I knew I wasn’t breathing, I felt the tight emptiness in my head; I was holding my breath afraid everything would disappear. My mother appeared to the left, off in the distance just before the blue light left and blackness appeared. She wasn’t as real as him, her appearance seemed to barely exist and she just watched with a blank expression.

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