3. Bunny Boy and Doppelganger

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“So I’m going to go now.” I said looking at the brother’s confused. I started walking out of the room and heading to Damon’s so I could get my clothes. I seriously needed to get back to my grandma, and then maybe get my nails done to get my mind off of Damon and his crazy fucking life he’s pulled me into.

“I hope you realize I’m going with you.” I heard Damon say from behind me.

“No you aren’t your staying here with your crazy like that I want absolutely no part of.” I said grabbing my clothes and heading to his bathroom.

“Nope I’m going to follow you.” He leaned against the door frame.

“I don’t believe you’re a Vampire. If you were one, you would’ve eaten my throat out by now.” I stated.

“Your right I’m not. I was just messing with you.”

“That’s what I thought now get out. I have things to do.”


I now considered Damon my secretary. I had him doing my dirt work, well it’s not so dirty but you get my point.

“Did Jenna give me her number the other night? I forgot.”

“Of course you did. You were drunk. But no, I can show you too her house though if you want me too.”

“Just give me the directions and get out of my hair.”

“Sorry, not going to happen.” He sang.

“Ughhh, fine which way do I go?” He gave me the directions as we went occasionally pointing out facts. “Historical town isn’t it?”

“You have no idea. We’re here.”

We got out of my car and walked up to the front door.  Damon knocked and after a minute a man opened the door…or boy I wasn’t sure on his age. He smiled when he saw Damon and then looked at me weirdly.

“Oh hey Damon, who’s your friend?” He asked, his voice kind of raspy.

“Hey Jeremy, and this is Aimee.” Damon gestured to me. I waved at hi moving a piece of hair out of my face. Damon took a step in the house and I followed right after him, ignoring the look the guy ‘Jeremy’ was giving me. He and Damon exchanged a look and Damon shook his head. “Aimee this is Jeremy, Jenna’s nephew, Jeremy, Aimee, Alison’s granddaughter. Is Jenna home?”

“Oh no, but you guys can wait I’m sure she’ll be back soon. So Aimee I’m guessing you’re new?”

“Everybody asks me that.” I laughed and nodded at him. “But yes I am.” Jeremy nodded.

“That’s cool.” I looked around the room and looked at how everything in the house was I’d say what people around my age would buy. Everything was, how do you explain it? Me a writer and I can’t even think of the right word. Newage? That’s all I got. There was an awkward silence and I looked at my chewed up nails. Whenever they got too long I would bite then out of boredom, the only time I didn’t when they were long is if I got them done in a salon. Don’t think I don’t try though usually I just barely bite the end for something to do.

“Soooo this is weird huh?” Damon said charging into the other room. Me and Jeremy followed, the room turned out to be the kitchen.

“Well you sure know the house.” I stated to Damon. Both of the men laughed.

“Yea, he’s been here a few times.”

“A few!” Damon said with something in his mouth. “With your sister and her doppelganger-ness I’ve been here a million times! Maybe more,”  He was then searching through some cabinets. “What’s wrong with everyone? Moving everything I need, where’d Jenna put the alcohol?” He turned to Jeremy.  Jeremy shrugged.

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