Chapter 4

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The first day of school, fun... I had a lot of classes with Grace. I only had a few without her actually. I sat down at my first class, which me and Grace had together.

"Okay, class. This year, we will be starting a buddy system due to some incidents. You cannot leave the school without someone with you. Never wonder the halls without letting someone know where you are. I will give you a few days to get to know who your buddy is."

Me and Grace looked at each other and smiled. That's how most of the classes were. It got old after a while. The classes I didn't have with her, I didn't have a buddy but I don't think I'd leave those classes. I struggled the most in those so I'd be paying attention more to those classes. Me and Grace walked back to our room. On the way, a guy handed us a flyer. When we got back to the room, I read it.

"You're invited to the back to school party. There will be alcohol and a lot of music." I laughed. "Have a fun time. It starts at 7 and lasts til midnight."

"Wanna go? I haven't partied a lot." Grace said.

"Why not?"

It was 5 pm and Luke was still blowing up my phone.

"You should just have him come over and talk things through with him. He wants you."

"I know..."

I sat my phone down and looked away for one minute. When I turned around, Grace was by my phone. And she sent a text to Luke.


"Someone had to do it."

"What'd you send?"

"See for yourself." She handed me my phone.

I read "Hey, this is Grace. You just need to come over here. I'm getting tired of her not texting you because she's blabbing to me too much. Thanks, Grace," friendsShe smiled.

He replied, "Fine, I'll be over there in 10 minutes."


"Then just make out with him. No sex on my bed by the way."

"Where are you going?"

"friend's room. You two need some alone time."

"Don't-" She was gone. Great.

It doesn't take me long to get ready for a party so I just got ready. I winged my eyeliner, put on mascara, but on a lace black dress, 2-inch heels, and combed my hair. As soon as I did that, I heard a knock on my door.

I unlocked it and let Luke in.

"Why are you dressed like that?"

"There's a party tonight."

"So you're going?"

"Yeah." I said harshly.

"I'll have to come back to that topic. Look, what happened, I'm sorry. I just don't want you to get hurt. I didn't mean it in a rude way either. I was just protecting you."

"Well stop. Let me live the way I want to live."

"Bells, you just don't get it. What happens if you're taken? What will I do? You're my only friend who gets me. What about your parents? They'll be heartbroken." He stepped closer to me and looked me in the eyes, "I will."

"I know this is sketchy. It'll work out and nothing will happen."

"You can't control that."

"I can and I will."

"Just promise me you'll tell me where you go."

"I promise." He hugged me.

"Now, about this party."

I sighed, "You can go if you want."

"I would've gone whether you wanted me to or not."

"mhm. Let's go get Grace."

"Okay." He grabbed my hand and we walked to Grace's friend's dorm.


"I didn't think a private school party would be like this." Luke said looking around.

"Neither did I." Grace said.

"I like Grace better than Jenna."

"I figured you would." I laughed. People were either talking, drinking, or dancing. It was pretty fun, considering I don't get invited to a lot of parties.

We decided to go find a place to hang out and drink a little bit. I've drank before, so this was nothing new to me. Or Luke. Grace, well she was amazed. A guy came up and asked her if she wanted to dance. I don't think she realized what he meant. I'm pretty sure she was thinking of partner dancing, not grinding, but she ended up liking it. Me and Luke talked for a little bit. He went off to go get us more drinks.

"Hey." a tall guy with bright razor sharp blue eyes and long black hair came up to me. His eyes were almost neon. He also had a drink in his hand. He was clearly working on being drunk.

"Uhm, hi."

"Pretty sick party am I right?"

"Yeah. Not the best one I've been to but it's pretty good."

"You're a party girl I see."

This dude was kinda giving me weird vibes. "Only when I go with Luke." I motioned to Luke.


"Friend with benefits." I laughed.

"Hahaha, nice. So, he wouldn't mind if I asked you to dance?"

"He might..." I looked at Luke. I didn't like this at all.

"C'mon." He grabbed my hand and walked me out to the middle of people dancing.

*Luke's POV*

When I got back from getting drinks, Bells was gone. I started to panic, but she may have gone to grace. I decided to stay where I was. Damn, the dress she was wearing tonight made me high. I wish she'd see me more than a friend with benefits. I've liked her for a long time. She never realizes it either. I saw Grace off talking with one of the students and my heart began to race. Where's Bells? I scanned the room and I didn't like what I saw. Out in the middle of the dancing people was Bells and some dude. Rage flared in my gut. I stomped over there and pushed him away from Bells. My Bells.

"Get the fuck off of her!" I glared at him.

"You must be Luke." He smiled. It was an off smile. I didn't trust him.

"Do you even go to this school?"

"Seems like you don't so why should I not be allowed here?"

"Fuck off you creep." I grabbed Bells and took her outside of the house.

"What the hell was that?!" I almost screamed. She looked scared.

"Luke, I tried to get away from him. Please believe me. I don't like the looks of that guy. He looks way to old to be going to this school. I didn't wan-" I kissed her. I'm sick of this.

"No more friends with benefits. I'm sick of it. I don't like you with other guys. I never have and never will. I want us to be more. Especially with him. He's bad news. Yeah, I am too but not as bad as him."


"Wait, what?" I didn't think she'd agree.

"Luke, I don't like anyone but you. I just always said friends with benefits because you said it first."

Author's Note: Hey guys, I hope you liked this chapter. It's about to get good. I'm sorry about all the mushy parts. I just thought they'd be good together. So, y'all are probably wondering who that mysterious man was. Well, stay tuned to find out in the upcoming chapters. Damn, that sounds cheesy asf. Oh well.

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