Chapter 7

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I woke up next to Luke. I looked around and Grace was nowhere to be found. I looked at my clock, it read 8:30 am. Fuck, I'm late to class. I shook Luke awake.

"Luke, we're late for school. Get your fat ass up." I quickly got up and got dress. I brushed my hair and teeth. Luke was still in bed.


"5 more minutes."

"Get.Up.Now. or be late to school"

"WHAT?!" He jumped out of bed.

"I thought it was Saturday."

"No, it's Monday, now get moving"

He threw on his shoes and grabbed his phone. He kissed me on the forehead and left. Maybe they'd let it pass. Just this one time, hopefully, they would. I gathered my school stuff and ran to class. 

I came into class and everyone stared at me. 

"Nice of you to join us, Isabella." The teacher said. She was aggravated.

"I'm sorry. I-my clock didn't go off. I-"

"See me after class. For now, go sit. You're wasting class time." She said sternly.

I rushed to my seat and opened my textbook. She continued teaching.

I stayed in my seat as people walked off to their next class. After everyone was gone I went up to her desk.

"Ma'am, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen. It's never happened before. Please don't give me detention or something in the records. I promise it won't happen again." I pleaded.

"I'll let it slide this time. And, have you seen your roommate, Grace?"

I looked back at her seat, "I haven't seen her all weekend."

"Hmmm, weird. Maybe the office forgot to tell me where she is."


"You can go."

"Thank you so much." I began walking out but she stopped me.

"Isabella. I expect good things from you. You're a good student."

"Thank you." I gave her a quiet smile and ran out to my next class.

It was around lunch time and Grace still hasn't shown to school. I called her and texted her a bunch of times, but she never answered. I didn't have her parents number, otherwise, I would've called by now. The rest of the day went by pretty quickly. Once I got back to the dorm I tried calling her. I heard something and went searching for it. On Grace's dresser was her phone and all my messages. She wouldn't just leave her phone...unless. No. My heart started to beat faster. I should go tell someone. This isn't right. I had a weird feeling in my gut. I grabbed my phone and ran down to the office.

"Hi, Isabella. How ar-" She saw the worried look plastered on my face, "What's wrong?"

"Grace...something isn't right. She left her phone in the room. She wouldn't leave anywhere without it...."

The office lady's face went pale. "I'll call the police."

She called and they were here immediately. They took Grace's phone and asked me questions. I couldn't really seem to process what they were saying. One of my closest friends was gone. She just disappeared. I never thought it'd happen to one of my friends. What if it happened to me next? I started to breath harder and the police officer caught it.

"Are you okay ma'am?"

"Yeah, I think I'm okay. I just, I don't want anything to happen to her."

"None of us do, the best thing you can do is keep an eye out for anything suspicious."

"Yeah. Thank you for helping."

"It's my job darling. What's your room number?" 

"It's 234."

"Thank you. I say just hang out around for a while. We should be out of there in a few hours."

"Okay." I gave them a fake smile and walked off to the lounge area.

I sat there staring at nothing. My mind was racing. I didn't know what to think. Do I know the killer? My mind thought of James. He seemed out there. He didn't know who Grace was least I didn't think.

"Hey, are you okay?"

I snapped back to reality and a tall boy with shorts and a muscle tee was looking down at me. He had green eyes and tan skin with black hair. "Yeah, I-I'm fine. Just thinking."

"Why are there tears in you eyes then?" Another guy said. He had curly brown hair and brown eyes with a nose piercing.

"I-A lot has happened today and I just...ya know," I said and wiped away the tears.

"You're that good girl in class who got in trouble aren't you?" A girl with blonde hair that was in a braid said. She had pale skin and ocean blue eyes.

"No, that's not it. It's nothing." I got up and started to walk away.

"Hey wait. That's not all we wanted to talk about."

"Then what is it?"

"I dunno, you just seemed like you wanted a friend and we're all bored names Ethan." The tall guy with the muscle tee said.

"I'm Kayla and that's Tyler."

"By the way, Ethan thinks your cute so that explains why he's talking to you," Tyler smirked.

"Shut up." Ethan snapped at Tyler. His face was red.

I might as well lighten up. They seem like nice people and it does nothing to just think about it all the time, "So you don' think I'm cute?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Well, I mean you..." He shook his head.

"I'm kidding." I laughed, "And I have a boyfriend."

"Who is it?" Kayla asked.

"Luke, he goes to my old school."

"Fun, oh, we never got to know your name either," Tyler said.

"Oh, Isabella." I smiled.

"Beautiful name." Tyler winked.

"Hey." Kayla narrowed her eyes at Tyler.

"Babe, I was kidding." He laughed and kissed her.

"So they're together," I said.

"Pretty much. I get to see them make out like all the- oh would you looky there. Make out scene."

"Damn, they like just go for it."

"Tongue and everything." Ethan laughed.

I laughed, "I can see that."

I ended up hanging out with them for a few hours. Or the rest of the day. Ethan was flirting with me the whole time. Tyler and Kayla were smashing face which didn't really matter to me. They seemed like cool enough people and they took my mind off the whole Grace thing. 

I found out I had all my classes with them. We hung out a lot throughout the days. I never was notified if they had found out where Grace was. She was on the news the other night. Ethan was there and he saw me bawl out my eyes. Luke's been busy lately and hasn't been able to be there for me much. When I told Ethan about Grace and her going missing, he didn't say anything, which I expected. No one thinks that it would happen to them, their friends, or their friend's friends. It's so weird. Isn't it?

Author's Note: Lot's to take in right? Once again, I didn't know how to end it. I suck at endings, so I'ma just leave it at that. Tell me what y'all think of this. Of course, I probably won't have a lot of people read this. #MyLife

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