Chapter 12

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Luke's POV

I went home and asked my parents for help. The agreed to get me into rehab. My first appointment is in three days. The rest of my day was spent looking at old pictures of me and Bell's and watching TV. 

I woke up and to my parents in my room.

"What's going on?"

They looked sad." Do you remember that guy named James you hung out with?"

"Yeah..." I sat up.

"He..." My mom looked scared.

"He was found killed in an alley last night."


"There's an officer downstairs. He wants to talk to you."

"Okay..." I got up and ran to the living room. It was Officer Johnson.

"Hi, Luke. I'm guessing your parents gave you the bad news...well, we-we can locate Ethan..."

" can you not locate him?!"

"He disappeared. We found some of his friends. I think their names were Kayla and Tristan. They said he was supposed to go meet them at the library and he never showed."

"It's Tyler."

"Right. Well, I thought that you should know and I'd advise you to stay near people at all times. We're trying our best to find Ethan."

"Thank you, sir."

"You're welcome."

"Have... have you found anything on Bella?"

"No. I'm sorry."

"It's okay." I held back the tears. James didn't deserve that. No one does.

*One day later*

I slept in as late as I possibly could. I was invited to James' funeral. I put on a black shirt and black jeans. I brushed my teeth. I wasn't looking forward to this at all. I turned off my radio on the way down to the church. I didn't know one person there, or how I had even gotten invited. They closed the casket already and people were sobbing uncontrollably. I walked up to James' parents.

"I'm so sorry for your loss," I said.

His mom sniffled, "He didn't even have a chance at a life. I heard that he went down to the police and filed who it was. Where you with him?"

"At that point I was ma'am. I should've driven with him. I could've stopped this" I choked, "I'm so sor-"

"It wasn't your fault." His dad said. I felt like it was though. 

After the funeral, I drove out to the country and parked my car on a hill and walked to the top. The sun was starting to set and I just sat there and thought. I should've gone with him. I could've called the police or taken the knife for him. James didn't deserve that. He was such a good guy. I even felt bad that I thought he was the one who took Bell's. Tears slipped from my eyes. I missed Bell's. I wanted her here to comfort me. I watched the sunset disappear and a half moon appeared with sparkling stars covered the sky. I got up and drove home. My parents tried to talk to me, but I wanted to be alone. I took a shower and crawled into bed. I turned on the news and all I saw was Jame's face and Bell's. I tried so hard not to cry. They were so innocent, and they were gone because of some psycho. Well, we don't really know if Bell's is dead, but she probably will be. Even her roommate. Grace, she was sweet and happy all the time. She didn't need her life taken like that. It angered me that he was doing this. Now that I know who he is, this will all end. It's a shame it had to end like this though. No one deserved that ending in their life. A sharp pain shot in my stomach. The feeling of sadness, guilt, sympathy for the lost one's family. I couldn't imagine feeling what they're feeling like. Losing their child forever. In James parents situation, both. 

After the funeral, I went home and took another shower. I tried to keep my mind off Bell's disappearance and Jame's death. I hardly even knew James and I was the last person he was with when he died. Well, Ethan was the last. I wouldn't call him a person though. A monster sounds better.

Author's Note: Ok, so this sounds pretty boring because y'all know who the killer is and whatnot, but you still have to see what happens to Grace and Bella. This series is coming to an end, I hope y'all have enjoyed this.

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