It Never Stops

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Three weeks went by and I listened to them two go at it off and on almost none stop. If it wasn't about how Wendy babied Ralph, it was about Sean leaving him in tears when he went back to college. Peace had vacated my home and left me to suffer. The past few days, all was well until Ro' came home with a knot on his head. All I heard was yelling and screaming of those two knuckleheads arguing. I walked into the kitchen and sat at the table watching them go at it. They were so busy trying to get the best of one another; that neither of them saw me watching.

"Why the hell did you take him over there in the first place? You know he doesn't care for your aunt" he blasted at her.

"It doesn't matter, she is still my family; besides he has got to get acquainted with them" she snapped back.

"You are an idiot; who would leave a toddler alone with a person that has disabilities? Who does that!" throwing guilt in her face.

"Look Sean, your family is not all that either; you have a drunk in your family just like we do."

"Is that your comeback? What a moron you are. Why are you talking an alcoholic when I am trying to talk to you about leaving our son with a person who is not right in the damn head? I should beat your ass for taking him over there."

She pushed passed him walking towards the hallway. Before she got out of his reach, he snatched her by the arm back over towards him.

"Girl, I have never put my hands on you and please don't make me have to. We are not done talking yet, now sit your ass down" he demanded.

Trying to stand her ground Wendy continued to yell and get up in his face. The mistake came when she put her finger in his face and pushed him upside his head. Sean grabbed her hand and twisted her wrist backwards, applying pressure to it. With a swift turn, he pushed her down onto the sofa.

"I said sit your dumb ass down and listen!"

"I don't have to listen to you! I am going in the room with Ralph."

I was growing tired of all the yelling and I was sure that the neighbors could hear the noise to. I got up from the table and walked into the room with my cup of tea in my hands to intervene.

"The both of you stop it right now and have a seat."

Wendy rushed up to me yelling trying to get her side in first. Putting my hand up, I pointed at her and motioned for her to park it. My head throbbed every time I raised my voice to stop them from arguing. I grew tired of it and I went into my closet and grabbed my bat. Banging it against the floor I finally got their attention.

"My first question is where is Ro?"

"In the back room sleep" Wendy said.

"I realize that you both are upset, but all of this noise must cease. Just because he is sleeping doesn't mean that he cannot hear you. Now let me address this issue so that I can get back to doing some work."

I knew that it was going to be at least two hours before I went back to my office. He could not stand to hear her speak and she was too busy trying to talk over him. I wanted to be a neutral person during the dispute, but that did not happen once I got the full story. I decided not to name call or make her feel any worse than she did. The more she opened her mouth taking punches, the more she began to irritate me.

"Wendy you do not understand the concern because you are too busy defending your aunt; when you should be defending your child. The only person who got hurt here was Ro due to the neglect of what she's done or didn't do. I agree with Sean on this issue here hands down. There should have been no way in hell you should've left him in the care of a person with disabilities."

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