Chapter 10

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K.C and Kira were walking quietly to the room they agreed to meet the boys in. Once they arrived they saw the two.

"Alright, Ernie can you get us in?" K.C asked quietly.

Ernie nodded "Absolutely! I copied the key." He replied equally as quiet.

K.C nodded "Alright you wants to keep watch?"

Craig spoke up "Me and Kira will keep watch, you to just find the footage. No goofing around!"

K.C nodded, and so did Ernie. The group walked out of the room, Ernie grabbed a key out of his pocket and stick it in the lock. Ernie turned the key and they all heard the click, the door was unlocked.

K.C and Ernie quickly went into the security footage room, closing the door. Kira and Craig stood in front of the door keeping watch.

K.C watched as Ernie sat in the chair and started typing on the keyboard. K.C sighed.

"Alright we need to check the camera that is in room 177..."

Ernie nodded and pulled up a camera "Got it!"

K.C smiled "Good job, now rewind the footage from when dad was following him."

Ernie nodded and reworded the footage, then Calico came into view. Ernie stopped rewinding and the footage played. It showed Calico sneaking in the room, then it showed him moving a box. K.C and Ernie shared a look then kept watching the footage.

Calico moved the box and that's when a vent came into view, Calico looked around and then opened the vent. He looked around one more time before climbing in, once he was in he moved the box back over to hide the vent.

K.C spoke "That's where he has been going..."

The footage played a little bit longer, Jolie and Abby came into view. K.C watched it with anger and concentration in her eyes. It showed Abby and Jolie walking over to a clock on the wall, she watched as Abby took the clock of the wall and saw a... Timer?

Ernie zoomed in and it definitely was a timer, Ernie turned on the speakers, turning down the volume. K.C heard her dad.

"Let's go! Hurry!"

Ernie and K.C heard Jolie "Those Coopers won't even know two bombs hit them!"

They saw Abby smile and high five Jolie, then Abby put the clock back on the wall. Before she did that though she spoke "Bomb Activate..."

Then they saw the timer count down, starting at 26 hours. K.C spoke.

"If they started that bomb, that means Calico started the other one! They have two bombs."

"Kids let's move!" Kira spoke quietly through the door.

K.C nodded "They are right we need to go, put every thing back where it goes and set the camera back."

Ernie nodded and followed the orders, the he stood up "Done let's go!"

The two left the room and Ernie locked it, then the coopers went back to their bunkers.


Sorry for the errors!!

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