Chapter 11

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K.C woke up grumpy, not getting a lot of sleep at all! She laid in her bed groaning, she got up and looked around. No one was in their beds, not even her mom. K.C sighed and got up, going to the changing room to change.

Once she finished she rushed to the lunch room, well breakfast room at this time. She rushed in and saw her mom, she walked quickly over to her mother.

"Why didn't you wake me up?!" K.C asked.

Kira shrugged "My brain barley worked when I woke up!"

K.C sighed "Well at least the others didn't notice..."

Then the two wicked twins cam over, and K.C rolled her eyes.

"Hi K.C, Kira..." Abby said.

Kira spoke "What do you want?"

Abby and Jolie bent down, there hand son the table "We know what you did last night and you will not stop us! That's why we decided to lay Major Lennox a visit..."

"Amanda Lander, Leslie Lockhart, Brian Moon and Chris Johansen! Come to the main hanger now!"

K.C growled "You didn't..."

Jolie smiled "We did, have fun..."

The two walked say, K.C and Kira sighed getting up and making their way to the main hanger, already knowing the bots will be there.


Sorry it's short and sorry for the errors!

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