Day 05

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                I informed the gang that I would no longer be going to school today since the principal has allowed me too. I was actually expecting them to be sad but reckless that they are, they all agreed to skip class today and have a fun weekend with me, which of course is unopposed from my side of the fence.

Amy invited herself in, when I was packing for the trip. She went into my room, stood by the door and saw the lamp that was used for my beating. "Poor lamp. Imagine what he felt." That's Amy for you! I just chuckled at her knowing that she has my best intentions at heart.

"I guess I could imagine as I've felt it." Then her eyes became watery. "Hey now. What's will all the tears, huh?" I hugged her, still slightly wincing from the pain of my bruises.

"Days from now, you'll be free. Free as a butterfly and no one can stop you. I want to be selfish and ask you to stay but I know you can't cage a butterfly without killing it. Just know how much I love you, bitch." That's when I know Amy still got her fire but I'm too far from joking as I felt my own tears sliding down my face.

"Thank you Amy. For real. For being there, for being this weirdo's friend. I love you so much. And I know Blake would take care of you." We broke our hug away and giggled, like crazy people.

It was moments after that when a car pulled in front of our house. I glanced out the window and did not recognize the car at all. Amy and I were looking at each other, both asking who could that be. Then the sound of heels clicking must have 'cause my heart to go on cardiac arrest since I know too well who that could be. Amy and I froze in place while my mother, with a kitchen knife, appeared on my door.

She lunged unto me like a crazy lumberjack but then my body decided to feel and be alive as I manage to grab a tiny pillow from bed and put it in front of me as defense.

"You ungrateful bitch! We raised you! We fed you and you'll pay us with this? Your father is at the police being questioned! Imagine what people would think!" She was breathing raggedly right now mirroring my own.

"What would the ministry say! I could never show my face to church again! All this shame is because of you!" She was now hysterical.

"All you care about is your church and those snobby, self-righteous people not what actually is being taught! You're a hypocrite mom! You only care about your reputation! You and dad are the saddest excuse for a parent!" She snarled at me like a wild animal.

Before I knew it, she was charging me again and this time, neither pillows in reach nor anything in sight as they were all knocked out. This is it, I was accepting my fate, being killed by my own mother. She then raised the knife above me as if I'm being crucified. I closed my eyes waiting for a blow.

For a blow that... never came?

It would be treacherous for me to open my eyes but I did anyway and saw my mother knocked out on the floor. Behind her is my best friend with the same lamp, which was used to me, in her hand as she breathes raggedly.

"I'm sorry for knocking out your mom, which is like the basic rule of friendship, but I'd rather have you unscathed and alive." She let out a smile and hugged me like I just came back from the dead. "I called the police, they are on their way."

They did come, after many minutes. My unconscious was carefully carried to the ambulance and I never dared to look. I can't look. I want them off of my life because I know for a fact that I can cut off all the toxic people in my life. I can and I will.

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