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EDITED: 17/08/2018

I felt my cheeks flare up as I exited the room. A date? Why would he want a date? I hadn't even given him an answer. If he wanted a date with me he was going to have to work for it. Besides, why would I want to go on a date with someone so egotistical and arrogant.

I made my way back towards the party and decided that I may as well enjoy myself a little. Heading straight to the bar I asked for 2 shots of tequila, after spending time with Wesley Doyle I felt the need to let loose a little. I slammed both the shots back and asked immediately for two more without even thinking.

"I like a girl who can handle her drink." I heard a deep voice comment from behind me.

"Well then it's your lucky day" I responded, feeling the shots begin to hit me already. I spun around only to find my face centimetres away from the chest of the man who stood behind me. I looked up slowly and stumbled back almost immediately. I took another look at the man who stood before me and realised who it was, Daniel Johnson, Wesley Doyle's business partner.

"I am so sorry, please ignore what I just said." I stuttered, tripping on my words slightly. I really need to get out more if four shots is affecting me in this way.

"Maybe I also like a girl who can speak her mind." Daniel Johnson responded with a slight smirk, I could see a slight dimple form in his right cheek as he did so. He called the bar tender over and ordered two drinks, offering one to me and taking the other for himself.

"Now," he began. "What is a pretty little thing like you doing here alone?" He asked, taking a slow sip of his drink.

"I actually came to get Mr. Doyle to agree to invest in my boss's company. He is a difficult man to convince, I had to get all dressed up just to get him to talk to me." I said with a slight chuckle.

"Wes is a grumpy old thing sometimes, don't take it too personally." Mr. Johnson told me with a quick wink.

"He sure is grumpy, let me tell you that right now." I said with a huff, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Well, hasn't he got you wound up?" Daniel said with a laugh.

"Oh I'll get over it Mr. Johnson" I responded.

"Mr. Johnson? What is with this formality? It's Daniel." He commented, outstretching his right hand.

"Well... Daniel... I best be off." I said with a smile after shaking his hand lightly.

I left the bar and as I did I heard a soft "Wow" escape his lips. I smiled slightly and continued to walk away.

I spent the rest of my night chatting to other business executives, making connections and discussing business. After the drink Mr. Johnson bought me I avoided the bar, I was representing Slater and River Enterprise, I could not disappoint Mr. Slater.


Monday morning I entered, slamming the signed agreement on Mr. Slater's desk.

"Who's the best executive assistant you have ever had? Oh yeah, thats me," I said cockily with a laugh.

"Demi, you are the only executive assistant I have ever had." Mr. Slater commented looking over at the documentation. He flicked through it quickly before looking up at me and saying, "You got him to sign?"

I gave him a smile with a quick nod, "I'll admit, he is a tough one to convince, but I worked my magic."

"Ms. Valentine, is this job inflating your ego slightly?" Mr. Slater asked with a smile.

I chuckled slightly and responded quickly, "No where near as much as yours."

Mr. Slater laughed at my quick response and I took that as my cue to leave.

I made my way back to the office and had barely sat down when my phone rang. Picking it up I ran off my usual spiel; "Demi Valentine, Executive assistant to Mr. Blake Slater, how may I help you?"

"Ms. Valentine, I have a Mr. Wesley Doyle here." It was Brenda from reception, she would always call in before sending someone up to Mr. Slater, just to make sure he was available.

"Oh! I did not realise Mr. Slater was meeting with him, send him up." I exclaimed, rummaging through my calendar.

Brenda cleared her throat slightly before uttering; "Actually, he's here for you."

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