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EDITED: 18/08/2018

"How could you say that?" I exclaimed, a look of shock engulfing my face.

"How could I not! I'm right and you know it!" Wesley says back, raising his voice slightly.

"How dare you say Harry Potter is not the best movie series! It is absolutely amazing, every child wants to be a witch or wizard because of it." I fold my arms, frustrated that Wesley wouldn't let me watch Harry Potter as my movie of choice.

"It's a lame movie, there's like 10 of them, you'll never be able to watch them all tonight anyway." Wesley groans, getting up to collect more food.

"Just put whatever you want on then, I honestly don't care." I admit, knowing full well that I was quite exhausted.

Wesley had called me at work and invited me to watch a movie with him tonight. Considering it was a Friday and I did not have anything else to do I decided to take him up on his offer. After the night of the National Investment Ball I had convinced myself to give Wes a chance, especially after seeing Daniel with another woman.

We sat in silence, watching the film sitting side by side. It was a nice silence, not one of those awkward silences where you constantly feel uncomfortable. It was the type of silence where you felt at ease.

Wesley shifted slightly, stretching his arms above his head. I giggled slightly, prepared for what was going to come next. As expected, he performed the most cliche action that I didn't think he would be capable of. His arm rested on the back of the couch, barely touching my back.

"Uh, that was so lame." Wesley groaned, realising what he had just done. "I swear, I did not mean to do that." He was now facing me, his arm still draped across the back of my chair. 

"Wes, it's fine, really." I mumble, not really sure what to say.

We sat there quietly, the only noise was that of the movie in the background. I could feel my breath catch in my throat as I tried to stay calm. Wesley Doyle had his arm partially around me and he had done so intentionally. Moments passed and neither of us moved, I quickly adjusted in my seat, focusing on the movie playing in front of me.

As the movie continued on I could feel my eyes tiring, I knew I was exhausted from my busy week and a severe lack of sleep. After a short time I finally let my eyes flutter shut and my body drift off to sleep. Just as I did I felt Wesley drop his arm off from the back of the couch and rest it gently around me.


I was awoken by the smell of freshly cooked bacon and eggs wafting into the room where I lay. I relaxed into the bed, enjoying the warmth. Looking around me all feeling of calm left my body, I did not recognise the room I was in. Rolling over to grab my phone off the side table I see a note with my name on it. Suddenly it hits me, I had spent the night watching movies with Wes. I fell asleep on the couch and never went home.


Sorry I didn't wake you up last night after you fell asleep on my couch. You looked exhausted (not in a bad way, you still looked really nice) so I decided it was best if you slept here (sorry if that was out of line).

I went out this morning and bought you some clothes (please don't be mad), they are in the ensuite. Feel free to have a shower, there's some fresh towels in there for you.

I'll make you some breakfast when you get up. Follow the smell of food (turn left out of the room, then follow the hallway, you'll find the kitchen).


I smiled, not at all made about the situation. Sure, it was a little weird to think that Wes had probably carried me to bed but at the same time I was flattered that he cared enough to worry about me. I definitely would have been too tired to drive myself home last night.

I made my way into the ensuite bathroom to find a pair of leggings and a t-shirt laid out on top of a clean towel. Smiling to myself I locked the bathroom door and freshened myself up, putting on the new clothes and laying my outfit from the night before in their place.

Making my way out of the bedroom I followed the directions to the kitchen where I see Wes cooking breakfast, humming along to the music playing. I stood at the kitchen bench watching him cooking briefly until I realised how weird it would look if he turned around to just see me standing there.

"Morning." I quickly say, before he had the chance to turn around and see me.

Spinning around quickly, holding a pan full of food Wes smiled. "Morning sunshine, I see you found the clothes."

"Thank you so much for that. Thank you for letting me stay. Thank you for breakfast too, that's so nice of you." Sitting down on the stool at the kitchen bench I dug in, not realising how hungry I was.

"You know, you don't have to say thank you every time I do something for you." Wes mumbles, still eating his breakfast.

"I know, I'm just grateful. I was exhausted yesterday, it was nice of you to let me stay." I told him as I began to dig into my breakfast.

"Want to watch another movie or something? It's still pretty early, we could maybe, uh, head out for lunch later?" Wesley said, concentrating on the dishes he was washing.

I paused nervously for a second, this was a complete 180 from the Wesley Doyle I normally had contact with. He sounded nervous, as though he was worried I'd completely shut him down.

"Yeah that would be great, but I want to choose the movie this time." I told him, seeing as he chose the movies last night I had decided it was my turn to choose one.

Sitting down on the couch I threw on another comedy, Wes sat down next to me close enough so that our legs were just touching. My first instinct was to move away but something in the back of my mind told me that I was okay with this.

Half way through the movie Wes starts to shift in his seat and suddenly rests his arm over the back of the couch like he had the night before.

I laughed slightly and whispered, "That attempt was even worse than the last one." Wesley huffed slightly but didn't move an inch.

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