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EDITED: 18/08/2018

"Wesley Doyle, are you admitting that you are obsessed with me?" I exclaim, throwing my hand up to my mouth in an attempt to act shocked.

"I never said obsessed." Wesley grumbled, shovelling popcorn into his mouth.

A smirk spreads across my face as I press play on the remote, allowing the movie we had put on to resume. We had been arguing over the way the main character approached starting a relationship with the female lead. During this minor altercation, Wesley may have let it slip that he would have done anything to get my attention, he would have pulled out all the stops to get to know me better. I, being the stubborn and devious person that I am, twisted his words to make it sound like he was obsessed with me - which I was pretty positive he was.

We watched as the male character turned up at the female lead's workplace.

"You did that." I whisper and nudge Wesley's shoulder just to make sure he was watching.

The movie progressed and the male sent multiple bouquets of flowers.

"That too." I quickly say, knowing full well he was annoyed with me.

Finally, the female character had enough of the attention and exploded in anger at the male lead. Exclaiming that suffocating someone with gifts was not a way to gain attention or affection.

"Yeah I know, I did that too." Wesley muttered, folding his arms in front of him.

"Technically, I did that one." I laugh, remembering how mad I was at him at the time. All of a sudden I feel extremely guilty, the words rushing back to me, reminding me of every terrible thing I said to him. I grab the remote and switch it off and spin to face Wesley. "You know I didn't mean anything I said. I didn't know you, well barely knew you. It was just so overwhelming and you were so rude the first time we met. Then you turned up at my house and I couldn't understand why and..."

"Demi, just stop talking." Wes replied laughing at me.

"You're laughing." I state obviously.

"I don't care anymore. I know you didn't mean those things you said, if you did, I wouldn't be sitting here right now."

A smile appears on my face and I relax a little bit. I stare at Wes for a moment, taking in every single feature on his gorgeous face. My mind goes back to all the good impressions he has made since my uncalled for speech. He has taken me out, bought me flowers, treated me with nothing but kindness.

"I forgot to mention, thank you for the other night. Everything was really lovely." I tell him, taking the moment to place my hand on his arm, gently running my hand up and down his bicep.

"It, it was nothing." Wes said, glancing at the position of my hand, taking a deep breath.

"No, it was really sweet." I shuffle myself closer to him slightly, giving his arm a gently squeeze. "Even if I did just fall asleep on your couch and eat all your food." 

Wesley laughs at my attempt of a joke, even though we both know that it wasn't that funny. He looks at me for a moment, as if contemplating what to do next. After a moment of hesitation he wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him, our faces so close I can feel his gentle breath.

"Please tell me this isn't part of a plan to get Daniel back. Tell me you're not still interested in him." Wes whispers, staring deep into my eyes.

"I promise, it's not. He's not the one i'm interested in." I whisper in response, letting my gaze drop down to his lips.

"Then you don't mind if I kiss you?" Wes inches closer, wrapping his other hand around my waist as well.

"I don't mind." I whisper, trying not to smile to eagerly.

We stare into each other's eyes momentarily before Wesley allows his to flutter closed as he leans in. I copy his movements and allow his lips to land gently on mine. He moves slow at first, before allowing his movement's to speed up, pulling me closer to him. A few moments later we pull a part, our breath slightly heavier than before.

"I want to take you on a date, a real one." Wesley states, giving me a peck on the lips.

"Okay." I whisper before pressing my lips back against his. 

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