♥Chapter 14♥

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I have nothing to say. . .

I'm speechless for the first time in my life.

I don't want to say something which will ruin this chapter. Next update won't be tomorrow because I'm going shopping and I will be very tired. I will be writing though throughout the day. If I do update it might be very short. A definite update on Thursday. I'm hoping to finish this book before next Monday. . . . I just need to plan out the end and don't worry there will be another book because I know this is too short to count as a proper story and besides. . . Matt and Jasmine will have more adventures! ;D

Also this is dedicated to @AmareCallisti_Tallyn! She'll be helping me with Matt because I don't have that much of a idea about the paranormal world and she's a pixie. . . you do the maths!

Okay, maybe I did have something to say :P

Anyways. . .









Did you know that dreams often mirrored real life experiences?

Or that dreams were simulated by fantasies or frightening elements from your imaginations?

Or by watching, reading books, playing computer games movies, television? No wonder I had so many dreams based on Doctor Who and Matt Smith. . .

The most common emotion experienced in a dream was anxiety and fear.

We often even have 4-7 dreams in one night. So I probably had many fantasies with Doctor Who which I don’t remember.

Sometimes I wished that day was a nightmare because nightmares were not real. They could be images you had seen throughout the day.

When you were dreaming, you could wake yourself up. You were the only person who had control over whether you wanted to be awake or not.

“No,” I screamed, tears rolling down my cheeks as I blocked out everything around me. I could see people giving me concerned and weird glances. Some kid called me crazy and some white woman muttered something about Pakistani's.

“What do we have here,” a raspy voice said. I looked up to see 3 large men standing 5 metres away from my shaking body. I gulped in fear, my body trembling, sweat dripping onto the dirty alley way floor, my mind knowing what they were after; my body.

“Please, leave me alone,” I whimpered pathetically.

They laughed at my lousy attempt to defend myself. “You know, the streets are not safe for a lady like you,” the largest of the trio smirked at me, giving me a small glimpse of his decaying yellow teeth. Their dark eyes looked at me in lust. Their eyes wondered up and down my body, gaping at me like dogs as if I was a large piece of juicy meat.

“Something could happen to you, ya know . . .” hobo number 1’s voice trailed off.

“Oh really,” I snapped sarcastically, adding pressure on the double ‘l’s. I mentally slapped myself several times for acting smart and sarcastic.

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