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I ran as fast as I could twisting and dodging trees. I had to go get my baby. They kept her at the bottom of the village with the elderly pack members. I shifted back into human form and put on my clothes as I neared the house.

I sniffed and noticed the smell of blood. My vision grew a little red as I smelled it. I barges through the door and saw my baby on the floor and a man and woman above her.

Angel had a few scratches on her and she looked like she had passed on. I ran to the couple quickly and threw the woman into the wall. I don't know where all this strength us coming for but I'm glad. I don't feel the pain from what my pack did to me a couple minutes ago. I just feel a rush of adrenaline. I have to get away.

I grabbed the man by the throat and picked him up.

"What have you done to her" I growled

"Nothing she didn't deserve. The little brat can't even clean" he said through my choke hold.

I growled and snapped his neck. I felt no guilt. No remorse. Some things in life, people deserve.

The woman screamed and ran to me. I turned quickly and smacked her against the wall. She fell with a crack and I picked her up and snapped her neck.

My wolf went away and I had control of my body again

"Alana... Are you okay" I asked my wolf

"I'm okay. I didn't mean to kill them. I'm sorry. They touched our baby " my wolf replied sounding sad

"It's okay, we had to" I said

I walked over and picked up my baby. She was passed out and she was wearing a ripped up T-shirt and dirt socks.
Tears slipped from my eyes.. She was suppose to be safe.

Today's her birthday. My birthday and our freedom today.

"Can't leave these bodies here" my wolf said

I dragged the bodies to the living room and set the house on fire. I took a few things before I left. This way it would seem as an accident. I picked up my baby and ran to the forest. I shifted into my wolf form and kept running with Angel on my back.

We ran fast for miles and miles. I felt the dirt sink into my paws and pebbled on my paws. After a while the moon started to come up and my fur began to glow. I felt the moon give me some strength and I ran faster and faster.

I stopped as I felt my baby move a little. I dropped her softly into the grass and shifted back. We were close to a town. I'm pretty sure we ran for about 4 hours.
I put on my clothes and sat in the grass with Angel in my hands. I wiped a little dirt off her face and held her close

I smiled as she opened one eye and then the other. Her smile grew big as she saw me.

"Mommmyy you saved me" she said smiling.

I let the tears fall

"Yes I did baby. I'm here to stay. We're together now don't worry " I said softly.

Angel was small for a two year old but she was the nicest most caring child you would ever meet.

"Mommy I don't want to go back to them" she said softly

"No baby, never" I spoke.

"Come on let's go get you some clothes" I spoke softly.

I picked her up and we walked to the town. I could tell it was a werewolf town and it was filled with rogues and werewolves from other packs.

Many people looked at us but none of them asked questions. We walked into a clothing store and I took out the money I stole from the couples house. I bought Angel a backpack and a few change of clothes along with underwear. I bought myself some jeans, undergarments and a few t-shirts. I bought each of us a pair of sneakers and socks..

We headed to a corner store and I packed a few snacks in her backpack and put some in my backpack. I went to the bathroom and changed he'd clothes and my clothes. I found a diner and we sat down to eat

The diner had a few people in it and they all stared at us.

"May I help you sweety" a red headed woman said.

" we... We just need something to eat" I spoke softly.

She gestured toward a table and I walked Angel over with me. We sat down and the lady handed us the menu

"Thank you miss" Angel said.

The lady smiled " now you pick out what you want and I'll be right back" she said.

I smiled and bowed my head at her to show respect. She did the same back and went to seat another person.

"Mommy" Angel said pointing to pancakes and eggs. I nodded and she smiled.
I got the same thing as Angel. Except she got apple juice and I had gotten some Lipton Tea.

Once she finished eating I got a map and found out we weren't close to my old pack but I wanted to go a little further.

"Come on baby let's go" I said holding her hand.

She smiled up at me and put on her backpack. I put on mine and we walked out of town. I sniffed the air to make sure no one was following us.

I picked her up and walked in the forest slowly. I didn't mind walking.
We walked for about an hour. After an hour I put her Down and let her walk a little. I'm pretty sure we're far enough.

The night fell and I wishes we he had a small cabin. I jumped as the trees started to bend and twist into a small tree cabin.

"What the hell " I said softly

Finally your powers start to show young princess. A voice said

What... Who was that.

"Who are you" I said. Goose bumps started to pop out on my arms

You are special Michael Tanner and your powers have finally come in. You are very special. One day you'll know everything. But right now, know that you are the Savior and you are here to help. I am always with you the voice said softly in my head

"But I don't understand... Who are you.... I can't be special" I replied

The moon goddess, Creator of all wolves. One day you'll see. And take care of angel. I'll see you in your dreams princess

My body sent limp and I fell asleep with Angel in my arms and under a small tree cabin. We were safe here I knew it.

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