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My alarm rang at 4am and my pack and I got up to do a few laps this was a normal routine to keep our bodies in shape. 

We all gathered in the backyard and some were breathing a little heavy.  I smiled.  They've gotten stronger.

"Well who wants to do the honors of waking up the Red Moon Pack" I said.  I saw the twins, Evangeline. A few others and Josh hands go up

"Well how bout we give them a little morning soak" I said pulling out buckets and filling them with water.  My pack smiled and they all picked up a bucket or two and ran inside.  I stood in the backyard and waited
My pack was wearing their black suits and I wore my black and silver. 

I heard groans,  growls and screams.

NOWWW! " Deklan yelled loudly.  His voice boomed across the land bland sent shivers down my back.  I've been wanting to complete the aging bond for a few days but I don't know if he's ready. 

I stood up as Nathan's pack came and looked very upset.  A lot of them shot me dirty looks at which I smiled or winked.

"We'll good morning sunshine.  My pack members who are not part of the training team can go along with your day.  Breakfast is already made.  Red moon pack will get breakfast after you complete some laps.  " I spoke.

The training team was me,  Deklan, Josh, the twins , Evangeline and three other members from my pack
They proved to be the strongest and most Elite.

"Line up in two rows" Deklan said with a bored face. 

"Run" I said.  A few of them took off.

"It seems like they need some motivation princess" Deklans said pouting at me.  I smiled and used my powers to create a huge fire wall behind them. They screamed and looked at me.  Some of them were shocked.

"Since when did you have powers" Nathan asked.

"Since I'm the Warrior" I said

"Now run" I said moving the fire towards them.  They took off fast and the girls started crying.  I rolled my eyes and slowed down the wall.  It took them until 10:34 am to all finish running.

"Jeez you guys really need some help" Andy said. 

"Shut up dick head" one of the members of the red moon pack said. 

Tyler (Andy's brother )stood up and walked straight to the guy who said it.

"What'd you say" Tyler growled.  The pack members lowered his head and didn't say anything else.

Andy jumped on his brothers back and smiled. 

"Let's go I'm hungry.  Gideee up" Andy said.  I laughed as his brother just ram quickly inside

I turned back to the red moon pack.

"Well you guys are weak and need help.  Get inside and eat breakfast afterwards shower and get back out here" Deklan said.

I wrapped my arms around Deklans waist.

"You gonna come shower with me baby" I said pouting.

"Of course" Deklan replied picking me up.   The Red moon pack already started heading back to the house.  Deklan paused as we both heard Nathan growling.

I looked up at Nathan and saw him staring down Deklan.  I smiled and stood in front of Deklan and grabbed his face and kissed his lips hard.  I felt Deklan wrap his hands around my waist and he kissed me back hard.  I moaned and bit his lip which earned his little friend to stand up a little.

I stopped and turned around.  Nathan was fuming and he looked so upset.

"Remember Nathan you're the one that rejected me.  I'm happy you did though because Deklan is better than you could ever be.  And I'm happy.  So you need to move on to that little whore.  Lily?  Was it?  " I said walling back to the house with Deklan behind me.

I looked back and saw Deklan shoulder bump Nathan as he passed. 

I got back up to the room and sighed.

"Hey Dekl-" I stopped as Deklan grabbed me by the waist and kissed my neck hard.

I could tell the kiss turned him and his wolf on.

"Don't tease me like that baby unless you're ready to pay for it"he said biting and kissing my neck.

"Maybe I am ready" I said softly.

He stopped and looked up at me.

"Are you sure?  I'm not rushing you.  We have the rest of our lives together" he said rubbing my cheek.

I wanted Deklan and I wanted to complete the mating bond.

"I'm ready baby. " I said kissing his lip

He picked me up and laid me on the bed.  He kissed me softly on the lip while unzipping my suit.  I took off his shirt and kissed his chest and neck.  I giggled as he flung my suit to the other corner of the room.  I was only in my bra and panty. I covered up a little feeling a little insecure. 

He kissed my cheek and unfolded my arms.

"Don't hide from me princess,  you're so beautiful " he said.  I smiled and kissed h on his lips.  I gasped as he unclipped my bra and threw it to the side.  He slowly moved down to my breasts and started to pick them.

My body heated up as he sucked on them and they became so hard. He played with one with his hand and his tongue played with the other.

I moaned.  It was good thing our room was sound proof.  He pulled off my panties and started rubbing it with his fingers.  I moaned loud and he started rubbing faster.  I could tell my moans just turned him on more.

He got up and unbuckled his pants and took off his underwear.  I blushed , he was pretty big.  He chuckled a little.  He laid on top of me and kissed my neck and played with my private part.  I moaned as he inserted his two fingers and pumped fast.

I screamed as he played with my breast and my friend at the same time.

"Ready baby? " he asked looking at me

I nodded,  not trusting my voice. Before I had told on to just let everyone eat because we weren't going to come down. He just smirked.

We both moaned as he put his friend in me and moved slowly. We spec up and we're clawing and moaning at each other. 

After an hour or two we had hopped in the shower and cleaned ourselves.  We went down to eat breakfast a little after and helped train the pack.

We ended up just doing basic fitness such as push ups,  curl ups and other fitness things.

"I love you princess " Deklan said as we laid in bed.

"I love you too baby" I said kissing his cheek.

I love him... So much...

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