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I jumped awake as I heard the patter of rain outside the cabin.


I have powers

But how. ...I'm just me

We are the rare Wolf of the Goddess. We have been chosen to protect the werewolf and the human race. We do have powers. Believe the Goddess. Trust in her. She speaks the truth.

I listened to my wolf as she explained what we were. I sighed... She was right. I have to believe the Goddess and my wolf.

Let's practice a little my wolf said

I followed her instructions and concentrated on my powers.

You are one with nature Michael Tanner. Focus on nature and nature will focus on wolf said.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. One with nature...

I focused on the leaves and on the rain drops. I imagine them moving and bending. I opened my eyes and smiled. Rain was floating and not dropping on me and the leaves formed a shelter.

I practiced for a little while longer . A little after the sun came up and I stood there. I smiled. The sun made me feel so nice and warm.

"Mommy" I heard Angel say. I turned around and saw her sitting on the forest floor with a tiny bunny in her hand. I smiled. She may have nature powers too.

My ears perked up and I growled as I heard tree branches breaking. I ran fast to Angel and held her in my hand. I growled loud and watched as 4 boys. They looked around my age.

"You're on our territory rogue" the middle one yelled.

I looked around

"Well I don't sense any packs around here" I said. They all growled and stepped closer making me growl in response.

"Well a pack doesn't have to be big" another growled.

He shifted into his Wolf and stepped closer. I put Angel on my back and shifted to. All four of them froze and had a surprised look on their face

"You're.. A silver wolf" one said

"Guys back off" another said

"Okay okay, shift back can we just talk. " he said

We all shifted back and  went behind a tree to shift. I came back and they were seated by a tree. The small cabin had disappeared and they sat on the ground. I had pretty much mastered or had good control of my powers.

I formed some tree seats for me and Angel. They guys looked shocked but otherwise didn't say anything

I looked up the the one in the middle. He smiled softly.

"I am Damon. I'm 17 and the youngest of these dweebs" he said with a smirk. I smiled at him, he seemed like a nice person. He had dark brown hair and emerald green eyes. He had a gap between his teeth but it fit him. It made him look adorable.

Two similar looking boys sat next to Damon.

"I'm Tyler and this is my twin Andy . We're both 19" he said. Tyler had jet black hair and so did Andy. They looked exactly alike. Same bone structure and face. Except the eyes. Tyler had brown eyes and Andy had green.

I looked at the last guy and he just nodded.

"I'm Josh, sup... Umm I'm 21" he said. Josh was the quiet type I could tell. But he was nice. He had dirty blonde hair and green eyes too.

I stood up.

"Well I'm Michael and this is my baby Angel. She's two and I'm 18. Umm yeah" I said nervously.

"Nice hair " Tyler and Andy said at the same time

I smiled "thank you"

"Sooo.... Would u like to join us" Damon said.

"What exactly are you guys" I said

" well we're werewolves obviously but umm our pack died a long time ago. We are the only survivors. So we decided to stick together. Would you join us and become part of the Silver Moon Pack. I mean, your wolf is silver and all of our wolves are black. " Tyler said with a cheesy smile.

I grinned.... I may have just found a new family.

"Sure" I said picking up Angel.

"If you don't mind me asking wheres Angels father " Damon asked.

I picked Angel up and let her play with the rabbit that was still by her side.

I will not be weak. I will not let them rule my life. I will be strong.

"My old pack. I just ran away from them . They believed I was the cause of my parents death and beat me and raped me.... Two years ago I gave birth to her. There we're so many guys who came to rape me and I don't know who her father is ...then... Then... I found my mate. He was the soon to be alpha of my pack. The Red moon Pack. He rejected me and beat me so much. I then ran away and learned what I am. I am supposed to protect and watch over the wolves and humans ." I spoke proud and strong

"Your mate is a jerk" Josh said. I sighed. I know that.

We continued to talk and est for the rest of the night. I created a quick cabin and we fell asleep.

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