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I opened one eye as the sun shone bright on it. I groaned and tried to roll over. I jumped as the arm around my waist pulled me closer.

I turned around and saw Deklans eyes were still closed. I smiled he looked so cute. I realized it was probably around 4. I got out of his arms and stood up to stretch.

"You okay princess?" He asked rubbing his hand over his face.

"Yeah thanks for last night" I said blushing a little.

He got up and stood right in front of me. I blushed as he was only wearing his boxers and his  friend was pretty excited right now.

He noticed and grabbed his sweats.

"Where you going princess" he asked

"I always wake up this time. To talk to my pack " I said. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my neck. I bit my lip and pulled him closer to me.

"You look beautiful when you wake up" he mumbled into my neck. I tip toed and kissed him hard on the lips. We kept kissing. Sparks flew as our lips touched I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his waist. He held me by my butt and I started to grind on him.

I felt him walking back to the bed and I felt when he laid down. I was on top of him and he paused to remove my shirt. I jumped off of him and sat on the floor in the corner of the room. No...I don't want him to see all these scars. He's just going to leave.

"Princess....I'm sorry. I'm sorry. We don't have to do that. I promise. Oh God you are so beautiful I just lost control. I'm sorry baby come here." Deklan said walking over to me.

"Michael...please I'm so sorry." He said bending down and holding me.

"It Wasn't I just....I hate when people see my scars its hideous" I said covering my body. My shirt was on the other side of the room.

"I don't care about your scars Michael. It just shows where you have been and how much you've been through. I'm falling for you. And nothing will stop that" he said

I let a few tears fall and he wrapped his arms around me. He was so sweet. He was so perfect. He accepted me for me...I cried into his arms as he held me. He stood up and brought me up with him. He looked at me up and down and smiled.

"So beautiful" he said softly. I continued to cry and he just held me.

At around 5 we were still laying in bed. He was telling me the corniest jokes ever. I giggle and laid with him with only my under garments on. He kept reminding me how beautiful I was. He made me feel so special.

"Time to train. You're not excused from it Mister" I said stretching and standing up. I heard him chuckle and he got up stretching too.

"I know, I know" he said kissing my cheek

"I'll see you in the backyard " I said waving goodbye and walking to my room. I opened my door and rolled my eyes as I saw Andy and Tyler sitting on my bed.

"Well well well, where did you sleep last night " Andy asked

I blushed and ran into the shower. I could hear them laughing outside the bathroom.

After a while they went to get ready and I got out the shower and put on my all silver suit. This one was easier to move in.

"Angelllllll!! " I yelled walking down the hall. I smiled as I saw her run around the corner.

"Mommy, I missed you" she giggle running into my arms. I picked her up and spun her around.

"I missed you too baby, now let's go get you into your rainbow Tutu" I said walking to her room.


"Okay ladies and gentlemen, now today and tomorrow will be hand to hand combat. After that we'll do weapons training. Now I need a volunteer" I yelled across the backyard with Deklans pack in front of me.

I looked around and saw Deklans hand go up.

"Alright Deklan show me what you've got. And don't hold back" I said smirking a little.
Everyone froze and stared at us. He winked at me before standing a few feet away.

He ran forward and aimed to punch me in the face. I quickly bent down and punched him in the stomach. He stepped back a little and smirked. I ran forward and did a cartwheel that ended in me wrapping my legs around his waist and bringing him down to the floor. He flipped and pulled me above him. I instantly brought my foot up and kicked him in the nose. He landed with a thud on the ground and I sat on his waist holding down his legs and arms.

"I'm liking this position" he said smirking.

I blushed and dug my elbow into his chest.

"Oh hush" I said kissing his cheek then getting up. I turned around and saw everyone smiling and whispering. I blushed and scratched the back of my head.

"Alright partner up" I yelled.

Deklan came over and wrapped his hand around my waist.

"Nice one" he chuckled. For the remainder of the day they continued to fight. I had to go back to my office pretty early. Apparently we had to train another pack at the same time. I wonder which pack it is.

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