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A week and a half past and the Red Moon Pack was fully trained. They just had to keep practicing and they would be fine. They stayed here because the council said so.  Another pack was to arrive tomorrow morning and another one in the afternoon.

I rubbed my head as I sat at the desk in my office.  I had sent a few pack members out to buy more food and clothes and all of that.  A knock sounded on the door and I sighed.

"Come in" I said softly

I looked up at Deklan. He looked kind of sad and disturbed .

"What's wrong" he asked coming to sit on the couch.  I sighed.  We had both been busy preparing for the packs.

"Nothing.... Just a little stressed out" I said rubbing my head.  He came over to me and rubbed my face.

"Come on baby" he said pulling my arm and heading towards the door.

"Where are we going? "

"For a run" he smiled backwards. I just followed him outside.  We ran into the backyards and shifted into our wolves.  I've been so busy I haven't gone on a run in a while.

His wolf licked my face and I licked his.  We ran and played until the sun started to set.  He sifted back and so did I.

I felt more relaxed and happy.  He always made me feel relaxed. 

"Thank you" I said as we walked back inside hand in hand.  I smiled as angel ran up to me.

"Mommy can you tuck me in" she said softly.

"You too daddy" she said to Deklan.

I saw Tyler flinch across the room as she said Daddy.  I picked her up and walked upstairs.

"Sure baby" I said

I put on her favorite SpongeBob onesie and tucked her in her bed.  She slowly put her hand on my face and I stayed still as Her hand began to Glow.

I was shocked.  All of a sudden I was brought back to the day I got the Title of Alpha and I had a pack and a family.  I smiled.  Angel had the power to show people memories and change their emotions.  Also to heal.  Although it was weak.  She still had the power.

"Now are you happy mommy" she said giggling.

I smiled "I'm happy as long as you're okay angel"

She got up and hugged me. 

"I love you mommy and daddy "she whispered ,slowly falling asleep.

"We love you too " Deklan and I said at the same time.

We smiled and turned on her night light and slowly pulled in the door.

He held my hand and walked us to our room. I froze as I heard growls.  I sniffed the air,  the growls we're coming from far away.

"Someones coming"

Rising Moon Pack warriorS Outside in one minute

I mind linked my pack and told Alpha Nathan what was going on.

I growled and ran outside.  I stood in front of everyone . I put up a huge and long fire wall to block their path.  Why was the barrier down?

I emerged from the fire as I heard the wolves on the other side.  The barrier was back up.

"Who are you" I said calmly

The wolves looked scared,  there were about 120 wolves

"We are the North Star Pack.  We were supposed to come in the morning but our pack got ambushed and ran.  We only have a few belongings.  About 30 wolves died. Please help us Warrior" I immediately put down the firewall and realized they were telling the truth.

"Damon.  North Star Pack , please give them their rooms and clothes and food.  Josh get the doctor and send injured wolves to the infirmary.  Alpha of the Pack along with Beta come with me" I said.  I walked inside with Deklan right behind me.  We both sat at the desk.

"Names" Deklan asked.

"Ummm I'm..... I'm... Nick.  My father the Alpha , fought off a lot of them" he said shaking.  I realized he was just 14 ,he doesn't deserve all this stress.

"Who is them" I asked

"The hunters, they just came out of no where" he said

He paused for a minute and waited as Deklan typed on the computer,  sending an email to the council about what happened. 

He looked at me

"Yes? "I said to Nick

"This is my Beta Titus and I have talked with my pack and we all have agreed that we should ask you..... Ummm... May we join your pack? " he said stuttering and looking down.

I looked at Deklan and he nodded.  I asked Josh,  my beta and he said okay.

"Okay.  Welcome to the Rising Moon pack" I said.

We combined the packs and invited our new members.  Our pack was just getting bigger and bigger.  I had no problem.  I always wanted a big pack. The Red Moon pack just watched.  I wanted nothing to do with my old pack after this war.  I've already told Nathan I want nothing to do with him after.  And he agreed.

He believed we should both move on and is agreed.  I had already moved on.

I sighed and sent out some pack members to do patrols.  It was currently 3 am in the morning and I went to check on Angel.  I kissed her head as I saw that she was still fast asleep.

"Come on baby,  let's get you to bed"
Deklan said picking me up and carrying me to the room. 

He took off my clothes and raised me up to put on one of his t-shirts.  I watched him and smiled.  He was so concentrated and caring.  I really did love him.

"Thank you" I mumbled as my eyes drifted off.

I felt his arms wraps around me and him kiss my cheek.

"Goodnight baby love" he whispered.

"Goodnight baby " I said closing my eyes.  That night I dreamt of me and Deklan along with a big family and a big pack.  I smiled.  I was living the life, as long as I had Angel, my pack and Deklan.

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