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I sat at my desk in my office. A week had passed since the rising Sun pack came. They've been getting pretty good. This week we've just been getting them into shape. And doing running in human ans wolf form. This week we will work on hand to hand combat and weapons training.

Me and Deklan have been flirting with each other all week and everyone notices. I know I like him land everyone else knows but part of me is just scared to get back into something only to get hurt. Yesterday Damon pushed Deklan and his lips touched my cheek. For some reason I feel sparks when we touch. But that can't be Possible. We've both had mates and we were both rejected.

Sometimes it happens to special people. When they have both been hurt the soul wanders and sometimes may find a safe home. In this case Deklans and your souls are intertwined. You both found each other. And you are meant to be. Said the moon Goddess. This was the first time she had spoken to me since the other time.

Me and Deklan......wow

I blushed....thank you moon Goddess

You're welcome young princess

"DINNER!!!" Damon yelled. I walked downstairs. Today I told everyone to relax. It was Sunday and tomorrow training starts again. I smiled at Deklan and sat down, giving Angel a kiss on her forehead.

We ate my favorite food again. I kept glancing up at Deklan and every time he was looking at me too.

"Ohh just go get him already" Evangeline said. We had become close this past week and she was my first female best friend. We went shopping earlier today.

"I know but. I barely know him" I said making an excuse.

"Oh please you guys are always talking. Even at night you guys talk in your office. You and him are practically best friends. But you wanna be more." She said with a smirk.

I stuck m tongue out at he and mumbled "whatever"

After dinner was finished I bathed Angel and put her to bed. She was knocked out halfway during her bath. She's also grown close to Deklan. Every morning she wake up and runs to his room and says

"Morning Ducky"

I kissed her forehead and walked out the door. I jumped as I saw Deklan bracing on the wall.

"Hey" I said. He waved to me and grabbed my hand.

"Come on a run with me. Right now. It feels nice to run at night" he said

I nodded and we walked outside together. When some Alphas and Betas shift back they have clothes on. Just like me and Deklan.

We both shifted and howled at the moon. My fur glowed with the moonlight and Deklan looked amazed

Beautiful he said in his mind

I'm pretty sure he doesn't know I can hear his thoughts.

I smiled and we started to run. We jogged at first an nipped on each others legs and tail. We rolled around and circles each other through the night. He muzzled into my neck and I dolls on top of him. I laughed as he licked my face. I felt so free and happy. It was amazing. The hole in my heart was closing and my broken self was being mended. All thanks to Deklan.

His wolf was on top of me and I looked up at him. I shifted and so did he. He was hovering over me with his arm wrapped around my waist.

"Having fun?" He asked quietly

I nodded not trusting my voice. He rubbed my cheek and stared at my lips then back up at my eyes.

"So beautiful" he said softly

I blushed and felt his  friend on my thigh which made him blush too. Our lips were close and I inhaled his vanilla scent..

"You smell like chocolate" he said

"You smell like vanilla" I said.

He leaned closer and we both moaned quietly as our lips finally touched.

Our lips fit perfectly and the kiss only got more and more passionate. I felt him pull me up into his lap. My hands tangled into his hair and his hands wrapped around my body.

We pulled away breathing heavy and looking at each other.

"I've been waiting to do that since I got here" he whispered

I smiled and pecked his lip.

"That was my first real kiss" I said. Tyler and his GUYS had kissed me while they raped me but I never kissed back.

He held onto my chin and made me look up to him. He rubbed my lip with his thumb and kissed me again.

We made out for a couple more minutes.

"Deklan, we should go back inside" I said sensing that we'd been out here for a while.

"Yeah, come on I'll walk you back to your room" he said rubbing my cheek

We got up and walked hand in hand into the pack house. I felt so happy. I felt complete. Deklan was so nice and gentle. His thumb rubbed my hand as we were walking.

We reached my door and we stopped in front of it.

"Goodnight princess" he said kissing me softly on the lip.

"Goodnight my Prince" I replied with a smile.

We held on to each other for a little then let go. I looked back at him before closing the door and smiled. I was really at peace. I was falling for him.

I changed my clothes and put on a big t-shirt. I'm pretty sure it was one of the twins. I smiled and laid down. I couldn't get him out of my mind. I twisted and turned on the bed for a little. I could not get comfortable

Sighing I got up and walked out the room. I bit my lip unsure if I should go or not. I stepped slowly towards Deklans room and raise my hand to knock on the door.

I hesitated and jumped as the door opened.



We said at the same time. He motioned for me to come in

"Sorry I couldn't sleep" I said looking down.

He grabbed my hand and smiled. "Come lay with me me princess"

I smiled and crawled into his arms. I blushed as he was only wearing his boxers and I was in a big shirt. He rubbed my head and kissed it . I slowly fell asleep dreaming of Deklan. I fell into a peaceful and relaxing sleep .

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