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"Alright run some laps" I yelled across the backyard.  I was training the new members of my pack and the Red moon pack was just practicing.  Another pack was supposed to come this afternoon around 6. I had been training my pack all day. 

"Mommy can I go help Damon make dinner" Angel said pulling on my shirt.

I just smiled "Go ahead sweets but be careful" 

She just smiled and ran into Damons arms.

"Luna we just came back from a patrol and theres a large group of rogues closing in on this area. they are about 15 minutes away but it looks like they are headed this way." Nick said. He was only 14 but he had the best nose and tracking skills i have ever seen.

"where?" I asked 

"the east side" he replied.

"Alright Deklan lead a team with some warriors behind them so we can trap the in. My team will wait at the east territory for them to come and everybody please go put your suits on. They are to protect you from wolfsbane and gunshots if they try to harm us" I said

Deklan came up to me and kissed y forehead "Lets go"

Deklan along with 20 wolves went the opposite way while me and 40 wolves made our way to the east side. I could tell some were nervous but we were strong. We grew strong together. I had Made the red moon pack stay back at the house. They still needed a little more practice and they were our backup in case a battle broke out.

We stood by the east side of the barrier. I could hear alot of paws hitting the ground

"Half of you shift into your wolves, the other half stay in human form" I ordered. THey listened and we stood tall and proud waiting for them

"5 minutes away, we are right behind them, some are injured, I have no idea whats going on." Deklan mind linked me.


I looked carefully as is saw them coming. Their were about 300 or 400 of them. Although many of them looked weak. They slowed down as they saw me standing their. Some of the wolves tried to run back but Deklan was right behind them. I watched as a few of them shifted and put  on a long white robe. Is this planned? I walked forward and Deklan came over to stand by me.

"What do you want rogues?" Deklan spoke

A few of them were scared and stepped back. My other pack members were still behind them. And they growled everytime one of them tried to run.

"I am Amethyst, leader of the Rose Rogue Pack, we know we are rogues but can you please help us. Two days ago we were attacked by vampires and hunters. They have joined forces and they are after all of us. They want the whole werewolf species to dissapear. PLease help us. We know we are below you guys and weak and ugly and-"

I cut her off "We are all wolves, we are all born wolves, we are all children of the moon goddess. It is not your fault you are a rogue. But you are not below us. We all belong to the same family. We will help you and treat you as normal wolves. You are the Rose pack. Not the Rose Rogue pack. Rogue or pack wolf doesn't matter. We are all still werewolves" I said loudly. 

I read their minds to make sure none of them were spies or had bad intentions. i paused on a person.

I smiled. Amethyst was happy and shocked. So were some other wolves by y response. Except for one.

"But first, seems like you have a spy in your pack" I said walking forward.

"We picked up a few people along the way so I don't know everybody" Amethyst said. i sighed , that wasn't a good idea.

I used my powers and grabbed the guy with some vines. I brought him closer.

"Do you know him" I asked using the vines to wrap around his body and his mouth. He was squirming a lot.

"We picked him up yesterday. He was injured with wolfs bane he said" Amethyst replied.

"Well hes a hunter" i said. His eyes grew wide and he started to breather heavy.

"What made you think I wouldn't catch you" I said tilting my head to the side. I slowly began to burn his hands.

"Now what is going on?" I asked

"I don't know, they just told me....ahh!... they told me to make it inside your pack" he said screaming from the pain.

"Why, what do they want with me "  i asked

"You're too powerful and you pose a threat. You, your child, Deklan and the werewolf race must be eradicated." he screamed

"You're all gonna die you dirty mutts" he said yelling and laughing.

I glared at him and started to burn his body slowly.

"Damon get everyone inside and get them rooms. Josh....throw his body in the river" I said Walking to the injured people and helping them inside. I was beyond angry. they were going after all of us. I will not let them win.

I walked inside and phones the council. I told them what happened and they said they were going to put more barriers up and to tell every single pack in the world to come by our land.

"This is War" Deklan said walking in. I looked up at him he looked angered and grossed out.

"Whats wrong, what happened"i said standing in front of him.

"Three....Three small werewolf cubs were found cut open and chopped into pieces by the south side of the to them a note that says 'see you soon'"he said trying not to cry and shake his head and look away.

"Oh my god" I said

I walked up to him and held his head in my arms

"I just.....we have to protect them. I don't care if we don't know them but we are all family. we have so save them."

"We will, we just need to work together. I got word that the elves although they are small, are coming to help us. It seems the vampires have been terrorizing them too. Who would imagine one day it'd be vampires and hunters against werewolves and elves" he said softly

I don't know how long we held each other. But I need him and the rest of my family.

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