Chapter Seven

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          ~ Alex's Point of View ~

I still can't believe what happened. Christian likes me. Ironically, he told me he liked me right after my friend told me that no one would ever like me.
I'm still shocked about it all, it all happened so fast and we've only known each other for a week or so than out of nowhere BAM! we're making out under the bleachers.
" So I saw that you and Mac had a fight, " Astrid said, snapping me out of my thoughts.
" Yeah, I'm not too proud of that, " I said.
" I confronted her about it afterwards. I told her that she shouldn't have been so hard on you. We've never done anything like that to her, " Astrid said.
" Thanks, you're a good friend, " I smiled.
" No problem, and I still think she was really harsh, " she replied before walking to her next class.
" Hey beautiful, " Christian chuckles putting his arm around me and kissing me on the cheek. " I'm so happy to have my next period with you. "
" Christian? " I ask looking up at him.
" Yeah, Alex, " he replies.
" Have you thought about how we're going to tell our friends? We've been dating for almost a week now, " I ask.
" We'll tell them soon, don't worry. Right now I think it's best if we keep this a secret, " he says.
" How will they react? " I ask.
" I don't know but I don't think they'll be too thrilled or they'll make millions of dirty jokes, " he replied.
" I'm scared, " I say burying my face in his chest.
" Don't worry, we'll tell them when the time is right and if they don't like the idea of us dating then they'll just have to suck it up and live with it. I'm not letting you go no matter what, " a wave of relief and reassurance rushes over me. I lean over and place my forehead on his.
" Promise me that no matter what happens you won't let anyone break us up, " I say.
" I promise you that won't happen," he says leaning in and kissing me.

~ Christian's Point of View ~

We pulled away from the kiss hoping nobody was watching. I quickly pulled my arm away before we entered the room.
" What are you two smiling at, " barked Mrs. Stoll. Mrs. Stoll is a cranky old lady who's really short like shorter than Alex. Alex told me she used to be the school's librarian but got replaced by a younger but still cranky Mrs. McLean. Apparently, the school keeps Mrs. Stoll around to sit in a class room and yell at people during study hall.
Not only do I have to deal with Mrs. Stoll for fifty minutes but in study hall you're not allowed to talk so everyone just texts each other. I know most people enjoy texting but I'd rather communicate with my girlfriend by talking verbally but since we can't talk we have to communicate through text messages.
I understand that study hall is for studying or doing homework or reading or whatever but literally no one in our study hall does any of that. They all just sit around on their phones. I feel a buzz and look down at my phone.

Alex: Sorry that we can't talk verbally :'(
Me: It really sucks too because I love hearing your voice
Alex: you like hearing my voice do ya? 😏
Me: of course your voice is beautiful 😍
Alex: well then I'll try extra hard to sound as unattractive as I can just for you 😊
Me: 😱 you wouldn't dare
Alex: oh yes I would because I'm just that sweet 😈

I almost fell out of my seat laughing at that last part. Alex is so funny and sarcastic I love that about her.

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