A Scene in the Canteen

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Antonia P.O.V

Miss Jacobs, you're late. Care to explain?" Mr Brown was glaring at me. I was ten minutes late and the class was writing a test.

"I'm so sorry. My alarm clock didn't go on this morning." He sighed angrily and showed me to a desk with a page on it.

"You have twenty minutes to complete the exercises. Good luck."

A test on the third day of school. Who do they think they are? Well, it wasn't actually a test. It was just a test to see what we know and what we don't. But still, I was too tired from this morning to even think straight.

How long had Texas been independent before the issue of statehood affected a presidential campaign? (Hint: Two presidential terms?)

How was I supposed to know? Ugh...

1. 8 years.

2. 1 Year.

3. 4 Years.

4. 6 Years.

Hmmm... If I listened well, it's eight years. Oh, who cares? Let's just go with eight. Ok, next question.

The election of 1844 was affected because candidates opposing statehood for slave states could be seen as "un-American" by proponents of manifest destiny.

1. True.

2. False.

Did I even study this? To be honest, this seems more like an exam than just a test to see how much you know.

I'll just go with true. I'm not really good at American history but I try.

I did the rest and finished exactly when the bell rang.

"Antonia, wait up!" Tania came up to me with a group of friends. "Antonia, I want you to meet a few friends of mine. This is Monica." She pointed to a black girl with black hair. She looks amazing. Wow, I feel so ugly compared to them. "And this is Monique, aka Mickey." She pointed to a girl with dark brown hair and green brown eyes. Is it me or does everyone have dark hair? And is it me or is everyone prettier than me?

"Hey, as you guys probably know, I'm Antonia." They hugged me and I was a bit surprised there. "Sorry, if we made you feel uncomfortable. We just like to hug!" Monica said. "And btw, I come from South Africa." Monique randomly stated. "Really? Cool, I've always wanted to go there!" She grinned and we walked to our classes.

"See ya!" I turned around and bumped into someone. Not again!

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. Are you ok?" A guy with light brown hair that was styled in a quiff and brown eyes asked. He had muscles but not too much like these disgusting models who use pills to make them have more muscles which just made them look horrible. "I'm fine. I guess it's my thing, bumping into people." He chuckled and helped me up. "You new around here? Haven't seen you before?" "Yeah. Just transferred from Holmes Chapel." He had a bit of an accent but I don't know from where. "Oh, I transferred from Canada last year." "Awesome! How's Canada?" "It's nice. I miss it though. So,what's your next lesson?" "Music." "Me too! Come, I'll show you." Music was the only lesson that I had with none of the girls. I was quite nervous since I was used to them introducing me to others.

"Class, we have a new student from Holmes Chapel. Her name's Antonia, pls make her feel comfortable." I was relieved when the teacher introduced me.

"Hi." I waved and sat down next to Justin. He winked and a few girls shot me glares and I was confused. Did I have something on my face? It was probably my beauty making them jealous, kidding, kidding.

"Ok class. I know we've only just started school but what Better way to get to know each other than a partner project?" Justin's hand immediately shot up. "Yes, Justin?" "Can we choose our partners?" "I'm sorry but no." "Awww..." "Ok. Lisa with Jake. Angela with Stefan. Tim with Matilda. Jenny with.... Umm... Justin!" The girls all groaned. "Blake with Stella and Liam with...." All the girls that were left hid themselves and Liam stared at the ground. "Ah, Antonia!" What? No! Why him? Why didn't I hide myself. Ugh.. I hate myself right now.

He came and sat down next to me. All the Girls moved away in disgust. Seriously, what's their problem? I know he can be a pain in the a** but it's not like he's a freak. He's actually quite handsome. Why didn't they like him? Was he too violent? I thought he was cute enough for half of the female population to drool at but none of them, not even one, drooled or looked at him normally.

"You'll have to write a song together on how you feel and perform it in front of the class. This project is also about getting to know each other. I'll be asking you a few questions about your partner and you must know the answer. Ok?" "Ok." The whole class said.

I turned to face Liam who was busy doodling in his book.

"Liam?" Nothing. He didn't even look up. "Liam? Liam? Liam? Liam! Leeeeeeeeyuuuuuummm! Liam! Liam! Liam! Liam? LIAM!" "Could you pls shut the f*ck up? Don't you see I'm busy?" "To me doodling isn't busy so no." "Whatever. What do you want?" "So, how do you feel?" "Dafuq? Why would you want to know how I f*cking feel?" "Duh! For the song! She says we have to write a song about how we feel." "Well I feel completely terrible since I have to be your partner." Before I could snap a rude comeback, the bell rang and he ran out the door. "Idiot." I muttered under my breath.

The day went by slowly until lunch finally came.

"Hey girls." I dropped my food on the table making a loud noise which woke up a blonde dude. You could obviously tell that he was naturally a brunette. "Umm... Who are you?" His head snapped in my direction and his blue eyes stared into mine. "That's Niall, my boyfriend." Monica said. "That is so unfair! Everybody's got a boyfriend except me!"

"Maybe that's because nobody wants to date a b*tch like you." That voice was familiar, ah yes, that was the voice of my enemy, Liam.

"Shut it freak boy. Don't tell me nobody wants to date me when half the girls ran away when you step in the room." Megan's jaw dropped. "Antonia, shut up!" She whispered in my ear.

"What did you say?" I smirked. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I said. Suck my balls!" See what I did there, quoted Eric Cartman from South Park cause that's how badass I am!

He dropped his tray and his food fell on the ground. The plate and glass shattered into pieces making a loud sound that filled the entire canteen. Everybody stopped talking and looked our way.

"Antonia, you better leave." Megan said. "Don't tell me I should I leave! I ain't leaving without teaching this freak a lesson!" I was about to turn around when he punched the table, leaving a huge hole. Tania gasped. "Guys, uh... Violence isn't the key to..." She was too scared to finish her sentence.

He smiled but I slapped his smile away. More gasps.

"Oh so now because you broke a table, you think I'm scared?" Liam bit his bottom lip so hard, it started bleeding. I could see he was trying to hold in his anger.

"Go ahead. Punch me. It's not like it's gonna ruin your reputation anyways, seeing as it is already ruined." "You f*cking b*tch!" He yelled and tried to punch me but I blocked him with my hand. "Don't think you're the only one who took boxing lessons." The whole school literally gasped.

"Antonia, stop." She whispered.

I let go of his fist and he walked away, still pissed.

"Yeah, you better walk away!" I shouted.

"This isn't over Antonia! You better watch your back!"

A/N: Hello! Three updates in one day! :D all thanks to @Meganc1121! Love ya girl and thanks for the ideas! :) Hope you enjoyed! Will update when I feel like it! ;) Don't worry, it might be tomorrow, I don't wanna make you wait :) Ok, Love y'all xxx ChokolatLover aka Antonia!

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