New Couple And Confusions.

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Antonia P.O.V

The clock struck one and the bell rang.

I could hear the chattering of the students who were finally going home after a long boring day of useless school.

"Ah... School is over. If you're still not feeling well, you both may stay and.." I cut her off and lightly shook my head.

"No. It's fine. I'm fine." She gave me a smile and looked at Liam. "Oh. You might wanna wake your 'friend' up." I gave her a weird look and her smile grew wider. "Sure."

I walked over to Liam and heard his light snores.

I really wish I didn't have to wake him up right now. He looked so cute and innocent. I could watch him all day. I really don't understand why they call him a freak. Has he done something wrong or...?

The nurse cleared her throat. "Please hurry up. I haven't eaten all day and I'm getting quite hungry. Maybe, you could lock up?" "Ok." She handed me the keys and closed the door softly.

I looked at Liam one last time, taking a screenshot in my brain and nudged his shoulder.

His eyes Immediately opened and he looked around, panicking but stopped when he saw me. "Antonia. How are you feeling?" He asked. I laughed. "It's not like I was unconscious or something. I'm fine... Really Liam, it's just bruises." "Just BRUISES?!" He raised his voice and I backed away in shock.

"S-sorry..." He muttered. "It's fine..." We looked at each other awkwardly and thank goodness someone barged in because I don't think I could've stayed in this position any longer.

"Hey Toni!" Tania half shouted. "My ears!" She put her hand over her mouth and apologized. "It's fine." Tania stared at Liam and I heard someone knock on the door.

"Come in." Liam said and the person or should I say girl stepped in the room shyly. "H-hello." Wow. Her voice was totally beautiful... Like, like, an angel. Didn't see that coming. Even Liam looked surprised. "I'm T-Tessa." She managed to say.

Tania ran over and hugged her.

"Everybody this is Tessa!" She had blonde hair that looked quite familiar and the same baby blue eyes I'll never forget.

"What the..? You Look exactly like Niall!" She blushed and hid away in Tania's arms.

"That's because she's Niall's twin sister." "Really? Awwww... Wow, I see the resemblance there... You're so cute." She blushed a deeper shade of red which I thought was practically impossible.

"Just like Niall." She looked at me with a strange look on her face and she looked back at Tania. "You f-find my b-brother cute?" She asked shyly. "Yes. He is so cute! Like seriously! I wish I could just hug him and pinch his adorable cheeks and his accent, oh, his accent, now his accent is out of this world and let me tell you about his smile and.."

I got interrupted by the slam of a door and I realized that Liam had left.

Tania shook her head and ran out.

"Where are you going?" Tessa shouted. "To clear things up!" Tania answered back.

Clear things up? What did she mean by that?

"So.. You like my brother?" "What? No... I mean, he's dating Monica and I could never get in the way.." "So, that means you like him?" "I never said that." Did I like Niall? I mean he's with Monica but I have to admit, I did seem to have a small crush on him but I could never do that to Monica... That's just mean.

"But it seems that way. You know he's with Monica." "And I can never have him... Yes. But I'm not sure.. Yet." She nodded and listened closely to the door.

"What is it Tessa?" I asked her. "Be quiet. I'm trying to listen to something."

I sat on the chair and waited till Tania came back. Five minutes passed and Tessa came over to me.

"What were you listening to?" "Uh.. Nobody." Her cheeks started becoming red for like the millionth time. "So that means you were listening to somebody?" "Oh... Yes." "Who?" "I can't say... Niall." "Wait. Niall was outside?" Before she answered with a yes, I ran out and tried to find him.

I was about give up after ten minutes of searching but finally find those same blue eyes and blonde hair staring at nothing but space.

"NIALL!" He didn't move. "NIALL!" I shouted louder. His head tilted sideways a bit but he still wasn't looking directly at me. "Niall." I said quietly and this time he stared into my brown eyes.

"Antonia..." "I'm sorry! Please forgive me! I know I shouldn't love you but I do! I don't wanna get in you and Monica's way so just forget it! I'll just try to stop these feelings but just please forgive m..." He chuckled and put his finger on my lips.

"I love you too."

Wait... What?

"Aren't you and Mo.." "No. She just dated me so that she could make Justin jealous but I told her that'd never work since Justin likes this other girl but she's too stupid to notice." "Oh."

"Yeah..." "I love you Niall. And my love for you is true. I don't know how I'm in love with you but I just am." "Yeah, me too. Wanna give it a go?" "Hmm?" "I mean do you uh... Want to be my girlfriend?" My heart beat faster and I nodded. "Y-yes." He smiled and kissed my hand.

"Good. Then, shall we go on our first date or would you prefer waiting?" "No. It's fine. We can go now." "Ok." He helped me up and we both walked to the exit.

He led me to his car and opened the door for me.

"Here we go princess." "Thank you." He was about to close it when someone shouted: "ANTONIA, YOU B*TCH, GET YOUR F*CKING A** HERE RIGHT NOW!" Niall and me both froze.

An angry looking Liam stormed up to me.

He took me by the shirt and pushed me outside where I fell on the dirty grass.

"Ow, what the f*ck is your problem??" "F*ck you!" He started kicking me in the stomach and Niall watched in shock and confusion.

Niall ran to him and tried to stop him but Liam punched him and he fell to the side, clutching his now bleeding nose.

"What did we ever do to you?" I screamed right in his face. I saw tears forming but he wiped them away. "Nothing..." He walked away leaving me here, more confused than ever.

"Fine! You wanna be like that?? Then forget us ever being friends, FREAK!"

He clenched his fists and looked back, hurt in his eyes and I started regretting what I said.

"F*CK YOU AND YOUR STUPID BOYFRIEND B*TCH!" And with that, he ran away.

"Wow, wait, what? BOYFRIEND?"


A/N: Tatatataaa!! *gasps* Is that a cliffhanger I see there?? No. Ok, I guess not then. So sorry for not updating in a while. I know you want me to update The Gamer and I'll try to do that tomorrow. I'm very sorry but don't blame me! Blame School! :P Feedback is wanted and of course vote if you hate school! ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2013 ⏰

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