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Antonia P.O.V

"You're late Mrs. Jacobs."

The teacher angrily said and closed the door behind me.

"I, I'm s-sorry, I was uh.. I woke up late?"

Lie. I hated lying but I couldn't tell him the truth. My father would kill me.

The teacher just shook his head and told me to sit down.

Of course me being late, there were no available seats except the one next to Liam.

Should I take it? Or? I mean he doesn't like me and I'm sure he'd cause a scene if I sat down but on the other hand, I HAVE to sit. The teacher is already mad and if I don't hurry up, he'll probably give me detention. Sit or not? Ugh... I'll just sit.

I hurried to the seat and unpacked my things. I could feel someone staring at me. I looked around and noticed Liam glaring at me.

"Why are YOU sitting next to ME?" He whispered a little too loudly.

"It's the only free seat, duh." I rolled my eyes and he looked away.

I felt someone tap my shoulder and turned around to see Niall secretly eating and Monica frowning at me.

"Why were you late?" She asked. I have to lie. If she finds out about my bruises then it's all over... She snapped her fingers and I got back to reality.

"I, uh.. As I said, I uh.. Was late because I woke up, uh, late." "Hmmm... Ok."

She turned back to scowl at Niall who was still eating and could get caught.

I sighed in relief and rolled my sleeves more down so that less bruises were at show. I wasn't really paying attention in class until that one sentence caught my attention.

"You'll be doing a project with a partner."

Crap.. I have to find someone.

Monica would do it with Niall. That's for sure so she's not really a possibility. What about Harry? Nah, him and Megan are so close. Mickey? Pffft, in my dreams. It's always about Louis. Oh you know Louis did that and Louis read about and Louis is so good at this. It gets kind of annoying. Tania? Her and Zayn would NEVER leave each other's side so that's not an option either. Ugh, if only I had a boyfriend. What about Justin? Yes, Justin. Oh wait, he's not in my class.

"Your partner will be the one sitting next to you." The teacher said and went back to write something on the board.

The one sitting next to me is... No! Liam.. Even better, note the sarcasm.

"You'll have to ask your partner twenty questions and write down their answers then you'll do a short presentation about your partner. Their Personality. Their fears or whatsoever. The project is due in two months because I'll be gone for one month due to some family issues. That's all. You may go and discuss with your partner about the project."

Nooo! I officially hate English.

I looked and Liam and waited for him to say something.

I could hear all the girls laughing at me. Ok, nobody laughs at me.

"Um, excuse me, could you keep your laughing down pls? And I don't see why you're laughing, after all you should see yourselves in the mirror, now that is hilarious. Wait, wait, I'm sorry, I forgot, you can't look in the mirror because it breaks every time you do." And with that they all stopped laughed and I smirked in success.

"Why were you late?" A male voice asked. "Huh?"

"I asked why were you late?" I recognized the voice as Liam's.

"I woke up late. And why do you even care?" "I don't." "Then why'd you ask?" "Because that's not why you were late. Where did those bruises come from?" "What bruises?" I nervously asked. "These bruises."

He grabbed my arm tightly and rolled my sleeves up.

"Li-Liam, you're h-hurting m-me." I said but he just held on to me tighter. "Liam.... That hurts..." I said but it came more as a whisper.

"Answer me. And don't lie. Where did these bruises come from?" A tear fell onto his arm. Crap, I was crying.

"I-I can't tell you.. I-I'm so-sorry." He let go right after I said that and I rubbed my bruises softly. I was still in pain.

The bell rang and he just stood up and left. What was his problem?

"Antonia?" Niall and Monica were standing there, looking at me sadly.


"Are you ok?" Niall asked. "I-I'm fine."

Before they could say anything else or ask me the same question Liam did, I ran. I don't know where I was running to but I just ran. I ran until I saw a familiar room. The auditorium. Perfect.

I ran in and hid in a corner. I was too busy crying to notice that somebody was in here. I only knew when I heard singing. I wiped my eyes and listened.

"You can take everything I have, you can break everything I am, like I'm made of glass, like I'm made of paper, go on and try to tear me down, I will be rising from the ground, like a skyscraper, like a skyscraper." The beautiful voice sang. It was a male voice, I was sure of it but who was singing?

I sniffed and the singing stopped. Oh no, did he hear me?

"Who's there?"

I gasped and covered my hand with my mouth. Everywhere I go, he's always there.

I heard footsteps approaching and I really wanted to run but I was too weak at the moment. I saw his shadow and his face and body came in view.


A/N: Sorry for not updating in a long time, I was busy with school and my family. I also had a small writers block and was thinking of what I should write next. After listening to a few songs, I got the perfect idea and I hoped it was ok... Comment, tell me what you think of it and vote if you did enjoy :) I love y'all xxx ChokolatLover

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