The School Play

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Antonia P.O.V

I sighed as I closed my locker and grabbed my books.

"Antonia!" I heard a girl's voice shout. I saw Monique running to me, panting and dying for air.

"What's up?" She stopped for a moment and took a huge deep breath.


"Um.. I'm sorry, what did you say?" She took another deep breath.

"Can you please join the school play with me cause I really don't want to be alone and have no one to talk to!"

"School play? What school play?" "Umm.. Beauty and the beast!" I gave her my wtf look.

"I am never gonna audition for that play! I hate beauty and the beast!" "Oh come on, pls?" "Hmmm... Who will you audition as?" I asked her. "Umm... One of the sisters. I don't wanna have the main role." "Ok, well I'll audition as the other sister then. But wait, why'd you ask me? Why didn't you ask Monica or Tania or Meggie?" "Uh.. They suck at acting and you know.. Since you're all friendly and chilled, I figured out, why not?" "Ok."

Her answer didn't really convince me but I just went along with it.

We walked to the theatre room and signed up.

She pulled me into a hug. "Thank you so much! This means a lot." "Hey, that's what friends are for." She looked me, smiling like a child and I knew what she was thinking.

"THAT'S WHAT FRIENDS ARE FOR!!! IN GOOD TIMES AND BAD TIMES, I'LL BE ON... uh..." We both sang in unison. "What's the rest of the lyrics?" I asked and scratched my head, thinking. She shrugged. "I don't know." We both laughed and heard someone cough.

"Could you please shut up? Your laughing is annoying." Why does he always have to be wherever I go? Monique pulled my shirt. I knew she wanted us to leave but I wasn't going anywhere.

"I'm sorry but no! What are you even doing here? Are you stalking me?"

He pulled his face in disgust. "Eew. Why'd I be stalking a fat ugly b*tch like you?" "Sorry, but I think you're looking at a mirror."

Monique pinched me and I rubbed my arm. "What was that for?" "See even your own friends don't like you so they..." "At least I have friends!"

His eyes darkened and I regretted a bit what I said. I know he's an a**hole but still he's got feelings. Maybe I shouldn't have said that.

"I'm sorry, I didn't..." "Just shut up!"

He walked over to the theatre room's door and wrote down something.

"You're auditioning?" I ask, a bit surprised. "Yeah.."

"As the beast, I'm guessing. Suits you well." A few girls giggled and I could see the hurt in Liam's eyes. He was clenching his fist. I knew he wanted to punch these 'wannabes' so badly. So did I, but he respected girls and that made me, hate him less but I did still hate him.

He was about to walk away when one of the girls who had fake blonde hair and a fake tan blocked him.

"And where do you think you're going beast?" She said. Her voice was all high and annoying. I couldn't listen to her one more minute.

"Now that you auditioned, most of the girls are gonna back up!" Her 'friends' laughed at her stupid comment.

I couldn't stand here and watch any longer. Sure, he pissed me off but I hate people getting bullied or insulted.

"Now you shut the f*ck up right now! I don't see what you have against him! First of all, he has the looks and doesn't need any make up unlike you disgusting fake people who wear loads of crappy make up that makes you look like a clown! Second of all, he has a heart and respects all you girls unlike all the boys or should I say jerks in this school! And lastly, he does sports unlike you people who vomit everyday just to stay thin!"

The girls looked at me shocked from my outburst. Ok maybe I shouldn't have insulted the anorexic people but I was mad, ok and when I'm mad, I'm bad!

Monique tried so hard not to laugh. She snapped her fingers in a z formation and winked at me.

"Now scram before I lose my temper and beat the sh*t out of you girls even though it means I get expelled!"

All the girls backed up except that fake blonde.

"I'm not scared of you." She said but I could hear her voice all shaky.

"Oh you're not? Oh ok. So you wouldn't be scared if I did this?" I raised my hand to punch her and she ran away with all her friends.

Monique laughed and I did too.

"Please, shut up!" I heard Liam say. He just shouted at us but he did say please so we stopped.

"Sorry." Monique said.

Liam looked a bit sad but his eyes quickly filled with anger. His fist was becoming white. He just left and ran.

"What was that all about?" Monique asked. "I don't know."

Monique and I talked a bit about the play but then she had to go and I noticed the time. I decided to walk home. Grandpa had showed me the way and it wasn't that far.

I pulled out my headset. Yes. I have a headset, not earplugs. I just like headsets better, don't judge me.

Sexy and I know it played and I danced crazily mentally. I was about to switch songs when I got pushed into an alley.

I tried to see who pushed me but someone covered my eyes with their hands and their other hand covered my mouth. I fought back. Kicking and moving a lot.

"Stay still!" Liam shouted. Wait, Liam? What did he want?

"Let me go!" I mumbled in his hand. "No. Now answer this question. Why did you help me today?" "Help you? What do you mean?" His hand left my mouth. "I mean. Why did you help me out with those b*tches?" Ah so that's what he means but how am I supposed to answer that.

"Uh... I don't like when people get bullied for no reason." "Hmm.. Is that so? Then why'd you call me handsome?" "I didn't! I just said you didn't need make up to cover your face!" "Make up? I'm not a girl." "I meant like concealer and foundation and..." "So you think I'm handsome?" I didn't get him. What was his problem. "Maybe..." He smirked. "Maybe not." His face fell. He let go of me and walked away.

"So that's it? You're just gonna leave me here!" He ignored me. "See you at school!" He shouted and left.

Ugh... I hate him so much.

A/N: Hello! Thank you for the reads, means a lot. Also thank you for @taniastyles13 who is our #1 fan and whom I love so much! thank you girl! Xxx ChokolatLover aka Antonia

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