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Hi, my blossoms

Here is the first one-short I wrote.

Chat Noir X Reader

(Y/N) your name

(F/C) favorite colour

(E/C) eyes colour

(H/C) hair colour

(H/L) hair length

(H/S) hair style

(S/C) skin color

Third's pov

In a beautiful and romantic city, it was a radiant, shining and peaceful day. Wait, did I said peaceful, I wanted to say that it was a thrilling day. It was everything besides peaceful.

Another person was akumatized again and to our male hero in a black cat suit was getting tired and trapped by bad akumatized minions and they aren't nice. Our hero was in danger.

It would be the end of Chat Noir, if a girl with (E/C) eyes and (H/L) (H/C) hair in a (H/S) weren't there to save him , she isn't a Miraculous holder but in her eyes show determination and fierce.

''I have to do something'' she mumble to herself almost in despair.

Without hesitate, she made a decision quick. Looking for something to use as a weapon, she found a thick wooden stick and a long rope, with this elements she built a homemade whip.

''I hope this is enough'' she said nervouly, already putting her plan in action. Brave enough to fight like Brave.

She ran, wearing a smirk in her beautiful face toward the minions and to the alley cat.

''AAHHHH'' a scream of war she declared.

''You better disappear from my vision before I beat you'' she started fighting against the little and adorable villains.

''(Y/N)!'' Chat noir mencioned her name surprised by her sudden and silly appearance, to his opinion, not mine.

(Y/N) was in front of the black cat boy defending him from the enemies, one of them threw rocks to them.

''Watch out'' Chat shouted warning her.

With a unexpected ability and quick reflexes, she managed to dodge each attack using the string of the whip. Chat was looking at her gasping and blinking his eyes several times, he didn't believe in his eyes.

Then the real enemy finally revealed itself, the akumatized person of the day, or catch.

''You are all useless'' the master of the minions complained, not being nice or even polite. '' You can't even defeat a plain and fragile girl''

''Hey, that was rude.'' the brave (Y/N) confessed '' At least, they are cute''

Chat nodded agreeing and with a mischievous showing in his face and putting his hand in his chin, he said ''But I am handsome and clawsome than them''

The girl facepalmed herself, she doesn't believe that her favorite hero and crush was cocky and mischievous but he was right, he is handsome, strong, truthworthy, brave and kind. She can't deny it. Her face was starting to become bright red while listing all his qualities.

''Stop talking and fight'' the villain demanded angrily.

''Where is Ladybug when I need her?'' the alley cat annoyed mumbled whilts dodging the lasers from the malefactor and started to attack the enemy.

'Of course, Chat Noir is in love with Ladybug, not me' she thought sadly.

Hearing this words, (Y/N) got upset and for a few seconds she was distracted, distracted enough that the bad guy used this chance to hit her with a shot.

Figuring out what was happening, the cat looking boy threw himself to the citizen to protect her and avoid the red flash, ending up with the stray cat on top of the (Y/N).

''I didn't ask your help, I am the superhero, not you'' Chat Noir said in annoyance without thinking and (E/C) eyes open widened when heard his word.

After the battle

Ladybug and Chat Noir beat the villain and cleansed the akuma while the protagonist was in the roof of her building replaying Chat's words.

'I didn't ask your help. I am the superhero, not you'

Am I useless?

Am I worthy?

Will I someday gain Chat Noir's love?

(Y/N) fell in her knees crying wildly and sobbing as this thoughts were crossing in her mind without a way of stopping them. She punched the floor with her right hand many times until it begins to bleed.

Maybe the villain was right. I am a plain and weak girl.

''(Y/N)?'' a soft and male voice echoed through the night.

The crying girl try to clean her eyes to have a better vision. When she looked to the boy, she found emerald green eyes looking to puffy (E/C) eyes. And she began to cry again.

As soon as Chat takes notice that the girl who he loves was crying, he went to hug her small and fragile body while stroking her (H/L) (H/C) hair trying to calm her.

Slowly, the crying faded way. The stray cat saw the chance to ask her the question that was hanging in his mind.

Suddenly, the girl got up and started to leave

''Th-hank you, Chat. I.. I should g-go.''she sttutered without looking to his eyes.

Her voice wasn't soft or sound like a melody to Chat's ears. It sounded broken.

The black hero grabbed her arm and notice that her hand was dripping in blood then asked ''What did you do?''

(Y/N) tried to release her arm from his grip but failed. ''Nothing'' she lied looking to everything but his green eyes.

''You are lying'' he increase the grip hurting (Y/N).

''You are hurting me'' (Y/N) whined in pain.

''Why did you save me?''

The question that he had been trying to answer finally got out of his mouth. (Y/N) got numb and now she could look to his beautiful and captivating eyes.

Then, the girl breathed deep and with all her might she asked ''Why did you save me?''

The cat-boy looked puzzled wondering why she anwered his question with another question.

Chat Noir grabbed her injured hand carefully close to him, bringing it with the girl close to him, very close.

(Y/N) blushed at how close they were and even more when her (E/C) eyes connected to electrifying neon eyes.

''Because is my duty to save the citizens of Paris'' (Y/N) get upset when heard his response ''And you are important to me''

Hearing this last words, she began to giggled quielty. (Y/N) noticed that the cat is still waiting for a answer.

''I save you because I couldn't bear lose you'' she said as get nervous and placed her other hand in his cheek caressing it ''I... I love you''

Now is Chat's turn to be surprised.

Without thinking, he closed the gap between them by putting his paw in her waist and another one in her chin carefully so he won't hurt her with his sharp claws and then finally kissed the girl softly.

Like they were made to each other, she returned the kiss instantly and move her hands around his neck. They both felt bliss.

''I love you too'' the black cat confessed, their forehead touching each other.

Please vote and comment. I hope you like it.

Bye Bye, my blossoms

*sunflower out*

Chat Noir/Adrien X Reader One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now