Midnight's Magic

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Hello, my blossoms
Shancy here

This short story is dedicated to Its_Winter_Bruh

Third's pov
The sweetest and scariest day of the year arrived.
What is this day?
It's Halloween.

The school organised a Masquerade's party.The students can be whatever they want but tell their real identity is forbidden. Isn't more funny to try to guess who is the person behind the mask?

All the students and teachers were in the party. The ball's decoration was based in webs, spiders, bats, pumpkins, etc.
Alya and Marinette took you to the party against your will. The young fashion designer made your dress which was white and black, your heels and mask were white and your mask was white. The curious journalist did a beautiful (h/s) in your hair.

You entered in the big saloon, people were dancing to the sound of the music which the DJ, which you guessed that it was Nino, was sending some good vibes, his custome was a green ninja.

You saw many kind of customers, from monsters to fairies, from ghost to angels and from magic creatures to simple pets.
"C'mon, girl. Can you have some fun?" Alya asked while nibbling candies that she took from the table, her custome was a orange kitsune.
The table filled with drinks, pouches, cupcakes and others sweet candies.
You signed and fixed your crown that was peeking out of the place.
"I was having fun" You responded
"Reading your favourite book" Alya said
"(Y/N), you need to leave your shell" Alya said
You laughed ironically at her statement.
"Alya is right. Live your life" Marinette agreed.
"Did someone see Adrien?" She asked looking for the handsome model in the population, her custome is a red fairy
You shrugged my shoulders and put your drink in the table
You signaled that you were going to the dancefloor.
The lights and spotlights weren't bright, they were red, dark blue and grey.
You couldn't see very well in the dark and you tried to be careful to not trip. However it was in vain. You bumped in something... Or someone.

"Sorry" you both said at the same time
Simultaneously, the two teenagers lifted their head to face each other and when they did, (e/c) eyes locked in emerald.
The mysterious boy in front of you, the princess of ghosts, was wearing a black knight suit together with a sword hanging in his belt which actually was a cat's tail, he had cat ears in his messy hair and a black mask that hid half of his face, making it impossible to find out who is he.

"Cute" You thought out loud without realising that the boy heard it.
"Thank you" He said blushing and scratched his neck in embarrassment.
You closed your mouth with your gloved hands.
"Sowwy" You said, the sound coming out muffed.
The black knight giggled and said "It's okay, purrincess"
Now, it was your time to blushed, your face became light red at the nickname.

"I am..."
"Don't tell me" The looking cat glanced at you in skeptical.
"Please, keep it to yourself" You said straight-forward, pleading with your eyes.
"I am Chat Noir, your devote knight" He introduced himself and took your hand to kiss it.
The red in your face intensified.
"May I know your name?"
"I am..." You thought for a name and then 'Pops' "I am Lunella"
You smiled at the name. It isn't that bad.
"Certainly, you are a girl full of mistery, Lunella" Chat Noir stated and smirked "I like it"
You looked away, you couldn't look at him.

"What is a beautiful princess vaguing in this creepy party?"
"Running away from her duties" You answered and sighed.
Your step-father went to a meeting while your step-sister, Chloe, was somewhere in the party. You were grounded and the Mayor told you that you must stay home.

Speaking of witch, you saw Chloe disguise as a witch, Sabrina following behind her, her custome was a wizard.
"I should go back before it's too late" You said, worry stucked in your voice, before turning around.
"Princess, what's going on?" Chat asked.
"Real world is calling me" You simply said walking away
"Please!" He exclaimed grabbing your wrist before you could disappear in the crowd.

In that moment, everything stopped, the music, the students and the teachers.
Everyone was looking at the DJ.
"For the freaks in love. I will put a slow" The teenager ninja said and the music started to play again, this time more soft.
The lights became dim, that illumination created a romantic atmosphere in the large room.
You looked at Chat Noir, the grip was too strong for you to break free and you couldn't ignore his honest eyes. They held his soul and desire.
"Would you grant me a dance as an apologies" He said, his meadow eyes never hesitating to look at yours.
You reluctantly nodded and sighed.
The masquerade boy smiled in satisfaction and pulled you closer to his body.
He put his hands to the sides of your back while you placed yours in his shoulders.
The fancy couple danced to the harmonious song, both didn't realise that it ended soon but the teenagers kept dancing to the beat of their heart. The ghost and the knight talked through glances, your (e/c) eyes always staring at his electrifying green eyes.
The distance between them becoming less and less until you could feel his hot breath fanning in your face.
Unfortunately, the clock hit fifteen minutes to midnight. You stepped back before you are too late, letting go the warmth embrace of his arms.
"I need to go" You whispered softly.
"Why?" He asked
"It was wonderful and all but..." You trailed off, avoiding his question "Goodbye"
You sprinted to the exist, the charming knight following behind
"Wait!" He shouted and you looked back at him, for the last time, your crown fell from your hair, you would seized it but you didn't have time.

You need to be home before midnight.

After that, the black knight picked your crown and swore to find his princess.

Trick or treat
What do you think? Tell me your opinion.
Comment and vote this story. That will make me happy.

Bye Bye, my blossoms
*sunflower out*

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