It's a Class Trip!

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A/N- Hello Guys! This is my first fan fiction, so I am sorry for any bad grammar and spelling. I am sorry if this story is horrible. Just so you know Tsuna is now in High School. Now before I go on I would like to share a disclaimer with you.





Now on with the Story!


Tsuna POV-

I was napping peacefully in Mr. Nezu's math class, when the door burst open. I was looking up from my comfy desk when I saw Reborn in his Reboyama disguise. My head started aching. My intuition was going crazy, telling me something bad is going to happen. I tried my best to hide my nervousness from Reborn, as he was eyeing everybody. 

"Oh! Reboyama Sensei what a surprise. What brings you here?" Nezu Sensei asks. Reborn walks to the desk and jumps on it. 

"Listen up! I am here to give you some exciting news." Reborn said smirking. He then glanced at me; his smirk deepening. 'That is not a good sign.' I thought.

"Your Class has been chosen for an all-expense paid class trip to Italy!" As soon as those words left his mouth, my heart sank and I was panicking. 'Whatt?'I thought 'Is he trying to get my Identity revealed?'

As I was panicking I looked around and saw everyone was talking excitedly about the trip. 

"The Trip will take place next week." Reborn continued. "The trip will last about 1 week, so bring casual clothes and at least one pair of nice formal attire." Suddenly  a hand went up.


"Who is sponsoring such a trip?" The student asked.

"Well, My friend of course." Reborn replied while eyeing me. His smirk deepening obviously enjoying my flustered panic. Gokudera noticed my panic. 

"Is everything ok Jyuudaime?" Gokudera whispered. 

"Yeah I'm fine." I said taking a deep breath. 

"You will be staying at my friend's mansion. At the end of the week we will be attending the Inheritance ceremony for the new Decimo of Vongola Enterprise." Reborn said.' Wow Reboyama's friend must be rich.' Everyone thought. 'WHYYYY? WHY DOES EVERYTHING BAD HAPPEN TO MEE?' Now I am seriously worried. 'Now they will definitely know my identity.' While everyone was celebrating, I was panicking inside. 

"For the rest of the week, you will be taught the basics in Italian by my former student." Reborn stated. 'There is no way things could get worse.' I thought. Then the door opened revealing Dino. 'Great.'  Dino walks in and trips on air, but instead of a laughing crowd; all the girls swoon. 

"Hello, I am Dino. I will be teaching you guys Italian." As soon as he finished that sentence, all the girls started asking personal questions like ' Are you single?' or 'Can I be your girlfriend?'.  And Dino was turning all of them down. 

"I think you can take it from here, oh and pass these out to anyone who doesn't have a passport." Reborn said handing it to our class representative. The class representative nodded and took it from Reborn and started passing it out to the class. 

"Oh and Nezu Sensei, you can help Dino with teaching Italian. Since you did graduate from an Elite school." Nezu looked astonished, and scared because he really wasn't Elite. 

"Sure." He replied shakily. The class representative finally arrived at my desk, and was trying to give me a sheet.

"Come on Dame Tsuna, we all know you don't have a passport."He said. I was gonna take it to keep my Dame act, even though I've been to Italy over the summer multiple times. 

"You don't need to give Tsuna one, he already has one." Reborn said, and everyone just turned to stare at me. All except Chrome, Kyoko, Yamamoto, and Gokudera. 

"WWhhatt?" Most of the class said. I just sighed. "That is impossible, he is Dame." A student said. "Yeah, How can that be?" Another one said. Then the class representative spoke up, "I understand if Gokudera, Yamamoto, Chrome, and Kyoko having one, but why do you have one?" I just sighed again about to give an excuse.

"Because he is half Italian." Reborn said. 'Oh great Reborn, are you trying to dig the hole bigger?'I thought. 

"WWHHAAT?" Almost everyone asked. I just banged my head against my head over and over again. 

"Jyuudaime, you might hurt yourself if you keep doing that." Gokudera said. 

"I'll be fine." I replied. 

"Ok, I am going to leave now." Reboyama said. "Good luck everyone, oh yeah, one last thing." He continued. "If you don't get a 70% or higher on the Italian Test at the end of the week, you will not be able to go." Then he left after placing the bomb on us. 

"Ok, Let's get started!" Dino Started. "Hai! Dino Sensei!" Almost all the girls chorused. Almost, some girls like Chrome, Kyoko, and Hana just sweat dropped. 

'This is not going to end well.' I thought as the Italian class began.


A/N- Sorry this was a short chapter, I promise the others will be longer. Anyways, this chapter was kind of like the intro and I am Sorry this is so horrible. (-_-) Please comment and vote! Please tell me if there are any errors. Anyway, I don't know many names, so please comment below. BYE!

898 Words. 

Class 2-A Goes to Italy! (Katekyo Hitman Reborn Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now