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Chapter One

My alarm went off, waking me from my slumber. I turn off the alarm clock and get out of bed. I put my slippers on, went to my in suite bathroom and I looked myself in the mirror.

My black hair was literally like those clown afro wigs. Yeah, it looks like that. I look to my window that is next to my bed and could see from the bathroom. It was raining outside, so the humidity must make my hair look like this.

This is why I hate my kinda curly hair. It's really annoying. I close the bathroom door. Even though I live alone, it's kind of a habit. Also, the window looks straight to the bathroom so who knows, someone could see. I took off my pajamas and turn on the shower.

I put my hair into a shower cap, not wanting to have more work to do to my hair. I checked if the water is warm; not hot, not cold, just in between. When I think the temperature is alright, I take off my underwear and got in.

I took my blueberry body wash and put some on my hand. I started washing my arms then my torso, then finished with the rest of my body. I got under the shower head rinsing all the soap off my body. The warm water felt nice, relaxing my muscles.

I turn off the shower and got out. I wrapped myself in a fluffy towel and took my toothbrush put some toothpaste in it and started brushing my teeth. I, then rinse my mouth and put the toothbrush where it belongs.

I opened the bathroom door and headed to my closet. I opened it and took out a blue dress that is for like, you know, working in an office, right. I took some black heels and a coat. Put it in my bed and close the closet door.

I take out my underwear from the drawers, took my towel off and put on my underwear. I then went to my vanity and took out my straightener, curler, and makeup out. I brushed my hair, getting the knots out. I then started straightening my hair, it's frizzy and the hair-do I want to do requires straight hair.

I finished straightening my hair and put the straightener back where it belongs. Then I started curling my hair, making my hair more shiny and voluminous. When I finished, I put it aside and started with my makeup. I put on the liner in my eyes, and some mascara; also I put some rosy blush on my cheeks and lip gloss on my lips.

I put everything back in its place and went back towards the bed where my clothes are placed. I took the dress, unzip the side and put it on. Zipping it again, then putting my heels on. I looked myself in the mirror. I look good, no doubt. But sometimes I think this is a little too much for working in a scientific agency.

But I can't forget that is also the biggest most highly secure scientific agency in the world. I was lucky the accept me in. There were a lot of people with a lot of potentials, people who were literally better than me. But they picked me, out of thousands of people that submit an application to work there, so I have, at least, be grateful and at least dress accordantly to the dress code.

I went to my kitchen and opened a cabinet. With that sound came something, running towards me; my dog, Ellie. She's an English Beagle. She has been with me for 3 months now. She got a lot bigger since I got her. She was just a tiny cute little puppy, now she's two times bigger than before.

I could carry her only with one hand, now I need both. She still has a lot to grow. I took her food out of the cabinet and then close it. "Are you hungry, Ellie?", all I got was a bark and her tail moving really quickly. I laughed and serve some of the food on her bowl than some water in another bowl. Put everything where it belongs, then took my bag and checked if everything is in it. "Keys, check. Phone, wallet, check; wait my coat!" I groaned.

I left it in my bed. Running back to my room, taking the coat from the bed then walking back towards the front door. "Yeah, I wouldn't want to catch a cold, would I?" Yeah, I talk to myself a lot. I need friends, oh wait, I do have friends. I chuckled at my thought, take my purse, say goodbye to Ellie and head out of the door.

I press the elevator button and waited for it to arrived. I heard a door open and I look behind me. It was my neighbor, Mrs. Kim. "Hey, Mrs. Kim, how are you today?", "Oh hello Jiyoung, I'm good. What about you my dear?" She smiled. She's a very happy, active person for her age, she's like 50 or something. I can't even remember correctly.

"I'm good, Mrs. Kim. Just heading to work!" I said, then the elevator arrived. "Talk to you later, Mrs. Kim." And I get in, "Have a good day at work sweetie!" She said and the elevator doors close.

I stood there for several seconds until the doors opened. I got out to the garage. I looked for my car, when I found it, I got into my car and drove away.

The streets were very busy, as always, and it looked like I was going to be late. I hated it. First job and I'm already late. Only happens to me.

So let me introduce myself while I arrived at our destined place, Heart Intelligence Co. My full name is Ah Ji Young, I am 20 years old, was born in Busan and currently living in an apartment in Seoul. Finished high school abroad in New York, and if you want to know my English name is Irene. I know, doesn't sound nor looks like my real name, not even close. I can speak three languages: Korean, English, and Spanish.
My family consists of my mom, my stepdad and my brother who's 3 years younger than me.

After what it seems an eternity, I have arrived safe and on time at Heart Intelligence Co. I parked my car in the employees parking lot and made my way into the building.

Before I enter, I take my identification that shows that I work here and my name. Looking in front of me, I see the doors that lead to my new work; and I'm excited.

I opened the door and I can already tell this is going to make my life a bit different, we can say.



I hope you enjoy the first chapter! Tell me your thoughts about it so far in comments!

Once you read this, I'll probably already have like 3-4 chapters already written since I want to make sure I'm happy with the plot.

You'll see more characters in the next chapter!

words count: 1147
The longest chapter I have written so far! >.<

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