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Chapter Four

What am I supposed to do with him? They just told me this like it'll be easy taking care of this as doing something easier. I was going somewhere with this.

Everyone already left and I'm standing there in front of this thing. "So what are you going to do with this, Jiyoung?" Taekwoon asked me, walking up next to me.

"I don't know. I don't even know how to get him out of the freaking tube!" I exclaimed. I love it how they just leave it to me to know how to work this thing.

"Why don't you push that green button?" Taekwoon said while pointing at the button at the bottom of the platform where the tube is.

"It's worth a try," I said while pushing the green button.

The tube started disappearing, going up to the ceiling and going out of our sight. We looked at him or maybe more like stared at him. The project, I mean, Hakyeon was standing there. His eyes were close and he is standing still.

"Do we need to turn him on?" I asked while looking at Taekwoon. He just shrugs, meaning the obvious. He doesn't know.

I walk towards it a bit closer. The platform is not that tall where Hakyeon is. I would still have to look up to see his face, which is expressionless, kinda like the normal look Taekwoon will give you. If I look forward, my vision will be his abdomen.

I look at him but I don't see anything where I could power him on, "So how do I turn him on?", "There's no need."

I screamed while running towards Taekwoon and hiding behind him. "Did that thing just talked?" I said while taking a peek out of Taekwoon's back.

"Did I scared you? I'm sorry. Also, thank you for giving me a name! I like it very much!" Hakyeon said while giving us or mostly me a smile.

"Oh yeah. Um welcome, I guess." I replied.

Now getting a fuller look on him. Now that his eyes are open and I can see they are a beautiful deep brown color, like dark chocolate. His smile literally brightens the room and his teeth are pearly white.

"So you are going to be taking care of me?" He asked leaning his head to the side, giving a questioning look.

For God sake, he looks adorable doing that. No, snap out of it Jiyoung!

"Yeah, I am," I replied to his question. He smiles and gets down from the platform he was standing on.

He walks towards us and he asks, "What are your names? You both already know mine."

"I'm Jiyoung and this is Taekwoon," I said while pointing at Taekwoon when I mention him.

"Nice meet you two! Jiyoung, since I'm going to be in your care, I hope I don't disturb you much." He said with that beautiful smile of him.

I cannot deny that they made a pretty good job on him. He's pretty darn gorgeous but that doesn't mean he is perfect.

"Anyways, I have to work so I guess it means follow me to my office so I can do my work there," I said. I waved goodbye to Taekwoon and walk towards my office.

Hakyeon is following behind me. He's quiet, I hope he stays that way since I need to finish tons of paperwork.

We arrived and I tell him to sit down in one of the guests' chairs. He does as I told him. I sat on my desk chair and I see there's a note. I take it and read it:

Dear Ah Ji Young:

As you have already been told. You would be taking care of our biggest project ever. As he still needs to learn things from us, humans. He'll be living with you from now on.

This is one of the reasons why I chose you. I see a lot of potential from you to take care of him. I wish you the best of luck.

Chang Ji Won
CEO of Heart Intelligence Co.

Are you freaking kidding? How am I supposed to take care of him? I don't even know if he needs to eat like a real human being.

I sighed throwing the note to aside, I need to finish work; I worry about that later.

That later became hours until it was the end of my work day. I didn't even go to have lunch with Taekwoon and Jaehwan because I was so into finishing this paperwork.

I got up, took my belongings and look at my right. There he is, playing with something on my desk. He has been sitting there for the next 4 hours of what was left of my shift because of the big meeting in the main laboratory.

"Hey! Get up! We're leaving!" I said. He put the things he was playing with back where it belongs and walk towards me.

"Where are we going?", "To my apartment, you'll be living with me starting today." He nodded and we were on our way.

In the car, he couldn't stop looking out the window. He looks like a dog looking at everything with amusement, minus the tongue dangling outside of his mouth. He's just smiling at everything.

We finally arrived and now we're riding the elevator to my apartment. He is still looking at everything. He just fascinated by everything. He looks like a kid in a candy store.

The elevator doors open and we make our way to my apartment. We stop in front of my door and I'm looking for my keys in my purse.

While doing that, I hear the elevator doors open again. I don't look up to see who it is, I just want to find my keys so I can throw myself into my bed and relax.

"Wow Jiyoung, I didn't know you had a boyfriend." I can recognize that voice anywhere. That voice belongs to my next door neighbor, Lee Hongbin.

"Hey Hongbin, how was work? Oh and also he is not my boyfriend." I said while finally finding my key.

"Work was busy as usual. Also as if I'm going to fall for that lie. Just use protection if you're going to do it." Hongbin said while opening the door to his apartment and getting inside.

"Seriously this dude," I said under my breath. Finally entering my apartment, I let Hakyeon enter first then I close the door.

I put my coat and purse in my coat hanger. Ah finally at home. When I thought, I could finally relax, I hear someone clear their throat.

I look at where the sound came from, "Mind explaining who's that?" The person said.

Oh my god, why today?


First of all, I won't be writing a chapter again while listening to vixx. I can't write and think at the same time because I'll be dancing to the song playing.

Anyways, this is another of the chapters where is longer than what I thought. You guys are lucky, you are getting long chapters but that's because this is pre-writing so when you read this, I'll probably and hopefully be working on chapter 10 haha. (Edit: I'm not lol)

Anyways hope you enjoy!

words count: 1129

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