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Chapter Eight

After I had called Taekwoon, we agreed to meet up in my apartment to discuss things a lot better. Though, when I arrived at my apartment, everyone else was waiting in front of the door. I looked at Taekwoon and he just shrugged. I will take that as he was not the one who told them to come, rather, they came on their own will. Hongbin literally lives next door so I, at least, figured he would come up uninvited but Jaehwan and Wonshik came all the way here, because they are noisy and just want to know what exactly did I heard.

So, that is why there is six boys sitting around my living room. Taekwoon has brought over his laptop to show me something and has it, now, out in display as he search on it; with Hongbin behind him. Hakyeon and Sanghyuk were already here so they are just sitting on the couch, looking at everyone. Wonshik and Jaehwan in another hand, are not doing absolutely anything. I shake my head chuckling and take the stray that has beverages for everyone from the kitchen counter and walk towards them.

"Here you guys go," I say and place the stray in the glass coffee table that is in the middle of the room. Everyone takes something from it, including Hakyeon. I'm still amazed on how he can eat and drink like a human. I am still not entirely sure what Hakyeon is. He is not your typical cyborg, if you can call him that, that is for sure.

I sit on the arm chair, which it is the only one vacant. I carefully watch Taekwoon type away on his laptop while he sips the coffee I made him. For a few minutes that is exactly what I do. I literally just stared at him while he looks for what he wants to show me. He told me through the phone that he has found out something. That at first he thought it was nothing but after I send those texts the chatroom; he knew something was up.

"Got it," he suddenly says breaking the silence that was lingering a bit too long on my apartment. "Come here and see this," He adds and I quickly stand up from the arm chair, walking quickly to kneel next to him.

"What is it?" I ask before he gave me an answer, he moves his laptop so I could get a better view. In front of my eyes, in the laptop screen, are a bunch of documents in which explains different things. One caught my eye. It reads as 'Cyborgs Purpose'. I shakily move my hand towards the mouse pad and click on the document.

The document opens and I read the first few sentences then I stopped. No, it couldn't be. I look at Hakyeon and he is calmly playing with Hyuk's phone. No, I refuse to believe it. I look back at the laptop's screen then at Taekwoon. Before I could say anything, he gives me an answer.

"Yes, these documents are 100% from the CEO himself. I was bored on evening and hacked his computer. At first, I thought these fakes since I'm not an experience hacker, this is just for fun. Anyways I check them out and yes, everything in this documents are real and 100% written by the CEO." Taekwoon says and I'm speechless.

It is not because he spoke so much in so little time but that he actually knows how to hack, and that he also knew about these documents before hand and didn't said anything. "But does that mean...?"

He sighs, "I'm not entirely sure if it means what we think it means but for sure it is that we need to do something about this. Those two people you heard, the possibility of them talking about this is grant." I nod and look back at where Hakyeon is still playing with Hyuk's phone. Everyone around is still questioning us, Taekwoon and I, what is going on? Exception of Hakyeon.

But there is one thing that does not click to me. Why make Hakyeon stay with me? If he is that valuable to their plan, why give him to someone who can change their plan completely? One thing is for sure, that place does not have very high class security if Taekwoon could hack into the CEO's computer without getting caught.

"So, what's the plan?" I ask while standing up. I stretch my arms on top of my head then look at Hakyeon, who appearing got bored of Hyuk's phone and is now attendantly paying attention to me. How can Hakyeon, who is so innocent, caring and sweet do what they are planning to do? He does not have it in him. He accidentally hit his hip with the corner of the dinning table, and he apologize to the table. A table. An object who not even breathing. He would apologize to Ellie went he would be a few seconds late with filling her food bowl. Hakyeon is a literal angel. Who would have thought he was make to do something so evil? So cruel?

Taekwoon clears his throats and I look at him. He looks up at me then goes to his laptop, already typing something up. Expected of Taekwoon, already has a plan and knowing him it might be something safe or something too ridiculous or something very serious and someone might get hurt. Either way, normally, Taekwoon's plans usually work out pretty well. I just pray that this one goes along with the others.


I am terribly sorry for almost two whole months without an update. The only excuse I have it is that I haven't had the inspiration to finish this chapter. Hence why it is so short. I believe we are coming to the last few chapter, like ten more chapters and this story is finished. It might be less, it might be more I'm not entirely sure.

Also my university is on strike, for almost a month now. There is a lot of problems going on in my country. Also as I'm writing this I'm sick, so I'm not entirely sure why I got the urge to write while I'm sick. While I cannot even keep my eyes open lol.

Also I have been drawing more, you can check out my drawings on my ig: @/chabyubit or twt with the same @.

Anyways, this is a really long author's note. I'm sorry. There will be more stories coming from my part, just so you wait. So, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one, byeeeee! (Btw if there's any errors, I'm sorry, i haven't proof read it yet lol)

 So, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one, byeeeee!  (Btw if there's any errors, I'm sorry, i haven't proof read it yet lol)

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Ahh! I forgot! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 1K READS! Wow I never thought this would get that many lol, thank you again. I really appreciate that people are reading my stories. <3

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