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I woke up the next morning, still cuddled into Areum.
"Ari~" I dragged out the 'I' in her name, making her groan.
"wake up," I whispered.
"only if you make me pancakes," she opened a single eye, a smirk on her face.
"anything for you," I replied, kissing her cheek and making her blush.
I dragged her downstairs and started making the batter while she sat on the counter, swinging her legs from the edge. I managed to get a little bit on my nose and turned to face her, making her laugh adorably.
I put a hand on either side of her on the counter, leaning on it and smiling up at her.
"you've got something on your nose," she laughed.
"do I?" I raised an eyebrow. she rolled her eyes and wiped it off with her thumb before kissing my nose gently.
"you're so cute," she smiled when she saw me flustered, her eyes closed slightly as her smile widened.
"not as cute as you," I replied.
after I finished making our food we ate together then decided to go to a park.
the two of us changed and she managed to look even more adorable. she wore a pink skirt with a white grid tee tucked into it along with her converse.
we walked hand in hand to the park and on our way there we say a street performer playing guitar and singing to eyes, nose, lips. we danced together jokingly, she spun cutely and we ended with her in my arms, her face mere centimeters from mine. the man performing the song smiled at us, making Areum grin back.
we ran around a playground for awhile before resting under a tree.
a piece of hair fell in Areum's face so I tucked it behind her ear. I rested my hand at the nape of her neck for a moment. she looked up at me and my eyes flickered from her eyes to her lips and I leaned in slowly.
I took a deep breath and before I could psych myself out I kissed her. she was immediately kissed me back and her hands rested on my shoulders as she kissed me lovingly. after I pulled back I took a look at her, swollen lips, bright eyes, and a faint smile. it was slightly awkward afterward because we both couldn't stop smiling goofily.
we spent the rest of the day together but sadly, she had to go back home. I walked her to the train station and stopped her before she had to go.
"Areum?" I caught her attention.
"yeah?" she turned around to face me. I pulled her close to me by the small of her back and kissed her gently, cupping her cheek with my other hand. she kissed back without hesitation, her hands resting against my chest.
"b-bye Hoseok," she breathed after our kiss.
"until we meet again, beautiful," I winked, making her giggle and blush.

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