The Next Night

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So school and practice went as expected. I couldn't help but think about the previous night. Why did that happen?

That afternoon, I didn't drink anything after dinner. I wasn't going to have another escapade.

That night, we got ready for bed. Aunt Becky wasn't home yet. I set up shop on the air mattress I was still sleeping on.

I drifted off to sleep.

I was now in the dress that Kelly let me borrow. Instead of being at my school, I was at April's. April grabbed my hand and led me in the front door.

There were a lot of girls wearing the same uniform she did everyday. She led me to Aunt Becky's office. Aunt Becky told me to take the dress off. I did as instructed, leaving myself in only panties once more.

She handed me a white blouse, blue vest, and pink plaid skirt, as well as knee high socks. After putting on these as well as flats, I now looked like April and the rest of the girls.

I followed April and we ended up in gym class. We were playing football against James and his team.

I begged the teacher not to play so he put me on the sideline. I was forced to cheer. There was only one fan and it was Kelly. I did cartwheels and other cheerleading moves.

Aunt Becky awoke me. It was still dark outside. Once again, I was soaked in the same substance.

She led me to the bathroom and told me she would be right back. She returned.

She informed me that I was having wet dreams, something boys have during puberty. She said it was natural and not to be ashamed but she had an idea to keep her sheets and my clothes clean.

She explained that a few weeks prior to me coming, April just stopped having accidents but up until then wore some protection at night.

She had a few extra left and Aunt Becky held on to them just in case. She suggested that I wear them until I stop having these dreams.

I really didn't want to but I understood and realized it probably was the right idea.

Aunt Becky leaned outside the bathroom and grabbed the package that she went and got.

They were called Goodnights. These ones were pink and had a butterfly on them. I protested the color choice but she explained that's all she had.

Aunt Becky said she would by a whole new package just for me if I wanted her to; or I could just use up the rest of April's and hope I was over it before she had to buy a new package.

It made sense for her not to buy a new package because I was hoping to be out of them soon and nobody would know anyways. Plus I couldn't manage to spit out the words, 'buy me my own diapers Aunt Becky.'

She left and I took off my wet clothes and showered. After drying off I slid on this diaper that was more of a pull up. It was snug.

I didn't have any other clothes so I walked into mine and April's room.

The light was on and Aunt Becky was setting up a sleeping bad where my air mattress once was. It was a pink Barbie sleeping bag, which was the least of my concerns right now.

My biggest concern was that April was sitting up in her bed, looking at me in one of her old diapers.

To make matters worse she spoke. "I remember those things. I'm sorry you have to wear them." She was trying to be nice but it didn't help.

I quickly went over to our shared dresser. I didn't have anymore PJ pants so I threw on some shorts over my diaper.

Aunt Becky finished my new bedding and I got in the sleeping bag. I went back to sleep.

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