The Sleepover (Pt 1)

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I walked in behind Syd and April. They through their bags by the door so I followed suit and then headed over to the group of girls, just as they did. They were just lounging around in the living room. Syd and April stepped infront of the TV, grabbing everybody's attention.

"Hey everyone, this is my cousin- she is going to be staying with us and going to our school for awhile." The girls all smiled and said hi. One interjected, saying that she thought the cousin that was staying with her was a boy. April thought quickly on her feet and said that she had a boy cousin that was staying with them but it didn't work out and that I was a "new" cousin who was with them.

The girls seemed to by that and then Syd and April sat down on the couch. There wasn't much room up there so I elected to sit on the floor. It wasn't long before I was beraded with questions which I answered to the best of my ability, it shouldn't be hard to fool a bunch of fifth grade girls:

1) Where was I from? Easy, Washington. I didn't even have to lie

2) Did I play sports? Well at my old school I did cheer and volleyball... again not even a lie. Some of the girls seemed to like that.

3) Did I have a boyfriend? Obviously a no.

4) What grade was I in? Eleventh- that one caught them off guard. At first they were confused as to how that was possible, I looked like them. And then they realized that I was supposed to be the cool girl here.

5) What is high school like? Well uh..

6) How many times have you kissed a boy? well you see...

7) Have I gotten my period? Well

8) Why are my boobs so small? Um.

Finally April cut them off. "Guys let her settle in, she is new here."

That stopped them for now but got them talking about what to do next. "Well lets play spin the nail polish." One of them suggested, which led us all to the dining room. We all sat around the table while nail polish was set out. One by one it was placed in the center and spun. Whoever it landed on had to get one nail painted that color.

That took a while, I stayed quiet for the most part. At the end, we all had different colored nails. The girls took note that I had really short nails and that I needed to stop biting them or to get fake ones.

I took note of that. Really this was a recon mission- I could easily fool these girls but it would be much harder to fool people my age. I decided to write things down in my notes. Item one, get fake nails? Item two, small boobs??

I didn't have an answer for that but hopefully Aunt Becky would.

Next we went to mini-facials and makeovers. Luckily all the girls worked together, because I would have had no clue what to do if I was to give somebody a makeover. I sat there while the girls did mine and just listened to how they talked. They seemed to talk non-stop and about things I knew nothing about. I tried to remember some of the phrases.

Finally her mom called us into the kitchen. She made tacos for all of us. She we ate at the table. Again, I noticed how slow they were all eating, so I tried to follow.

Afterwards, it was suggested that we get into our pajamas. The girls all started to strip right in the living room and get changed. I grabbed my backpack but didn't want to do the same. I asked where the bathroom was.

"Just change here silly," one of the girls replied. There were a few reasons I didn't want to do that: there was the fact that I was supposed to put a pullup on, the fact that most of the girls had at least a training bra on and I didn't, and the fact that I am sure you could see my boy parts if you looked at my undies.

All of the girls were done changing and I still hadn't started yet, which meant all eyes were on me. I had no choice, so I turned around and pulled out the pj top from my bag. I took off the shirt that I wore to the mall and replaced it with the fox top.

I straightened out the shirt, rereading it. If you dream it, you can do it. That seemed like motivation that I needed but not sure how to apply it to this situation. I then bent over and took off my fuzzy socks.

I then pulled down my leggings and reached in my bag pulling out the pants. I tried to rush and put them on as quickly as possible.

"Cute undies" one of the girls shouted, reminding me I was on center stage. I quickly pulled them up. I threw my old clothes in my bag and quickly zipped it up.

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