Fast Forward

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So when I woke up, I got ready for school. At breakfast, Aunt Becky asked if I was dry, right in front of April. I was so that was good. The next two night I wasn't though. But then I had two dry nights. On the third I decided to wear my underwear, but then had a wet night. I never had more than two in a row and sometimes I would have four or five dry nights, but then have a wet one.

So unfortunately I stayed in them for a while. We actually had to restock. I went shopping with Aunt Becky to get them and she initially picked up a boy pair, but then I had an idea. If she picked up the boy pair, people would know they were for me and since it was a small town, the word would get around. Instead, I told her to pick up the girl pair so people would think they were for April.

I know I was throwing her under the bus but I wanted to protect the little bit of respect people had for me.

This meant I was wearing girl Goodnites though. April asked why I had these one since we shared a dresser and I lied to her, telling her that's all they had.

She bought it, so I went to bed. The sporadic wet dreams continued. I realized most of them occurred when Kelly or the goodnites were in my dreams. They definitely happened when both were.

Volleyball wise, we were undefeated. Sometimes our crowd was larger than the A teams. I preferred away games to home games, because the football team showed up to our home games sometimes and heckled me.

Aunt Becky had yet to make it to a game but Syd's mom, Syd, and April made it to one. This happened to be a home game.

During this game, a football player got kicked out for yelling "let's go panty boy" before one of my serves. This opened up more heckling choices for the other team. Their A team sat in the front row and I heard girls talking about my panties and asking if I had my period yet. They asked who I was dating on the football team and which boy was my first kiss. One girl offered me to switch panties if I wanted to ask a boy on a date afterwards and I wasn't wearing sexy panties.

This got to me and I didn't play very good but we still won. I asked Syd's mom to take me home because I was pretty embarrassed.

She was not impressed with how I was treated and told Aunt Becky who called the school and yelled at them the next day. I don't think anything worked because when I showed up to school there was still a pair of panties on my locker. I don't know why, but I started to put them in a bag inside my locker. I had like 25 pair stored.

We only had one more game left. As an after the season party, the girls were going to have a slumber party. I decided to skip it because the A team was going to be there and they weren't very nice to me.

Kelly is the reason I actually ended up going. She begged me to come so I changed my mind. She convinced Marge to host a B team only slumber party instead. At first, Marges parents were skeptical about me coming but Marge convinced them that I was just one of the girls.

I packed clothes for after the game and I thought about my night time situation. I didn't want to have a wet dream at a strangers house. I packed a goodnight and wrapped my shirt around it before tucking it in my pj pants.

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