Lady of the Land Prep

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It took a little longer to get enrolled than my Aunt had thought, so everybody was in class by the time I had gotten my schedule. My Aunt walked me to my locker, where I placed my bag. I looked over my schedule, I had English first hour. Then I had Biology, PE, World History, Lunch, Algebra, and ended the day with Art.

I started to empty the contents of my bag into my locker, placing folders for each class at the bottom. I also grabbed a plastic bag which had my PE clothes. I grabbed a binder and my Aunt walked me to class. Outside the door she gave me a kiss on my forehead and then I entered the classroom. Everybody was staring at me as I searched for an open seat.

The teacher addressed me, introducing herself as Mrs. Turner and had me introduce myself to the class. I had rehearsed this from the sleepover, telling people that I came from Washington and then quickly headed back to an open desk in the back of the classroom. Outside of a few glances from students, I was left alone. For some reason I was incredibly nervous but settled down as class went on. It was just like a normal class, which was a relief for me. Although I never really liked school, normalcy was reassuring for me.

The bell rang and we funneled out of the door. I headed back to my locker and grabbed the folder I would use for biology. I started to walk the halls but couldn't find the classroom. I stopped one of the girls in the hallway and asked if she could point me to the room. She told me that she had a class nearby and would walk me there. I thanked her and got to the classroom. This time I just went to the back of class and sat down. This teacher, Mrs. Roy, told the class to open their books to chapter 4. I didn't have a book, so I just sat there. After about 10 minutes, Mrs. Roy approached my desk, noticing I wasn't doing anything.

She placed a textbook on my desk and gave me a lecture about how I should have said that I didn't have a book. After reading, she had us partner up and discuss our findings. The girl at my table didn't appear to have read the chapter thoroughly, as she didn't have much to add to my recap. After finishing, she then started to ask me more personal questions. I didn't slip up at all- answering them like a pro. We were cut off by Mrs. Robinson getting the classes attention and giving us homework.

Again the bell rang and I headed back to my locker. This time I grabbed the plastic bag and headed to gym. I stopped and found Ms. Tully, the PE teacher and asked her what I needed to do. She led me to the locker room. This was not my first time in a girls locker room, but this was the first time I had been in a girls locker room with them changing. The girls didn't seem to care that I was in there. Ms. Tully pulled me into the office in the locker room and gave me the combination to a locker. By the time that I did that, the locker room was pretty clear.

I faced the locker and took my skirt off, followed by my top. I was standing in the girls locker room, in a bra and panties. I faced the locker but heard a few girls walk behind me and to the gym. I put on my shirt and slid on my shorts and headed to gym. We were playing soccer. While I was not the most athletic, I could hold my own.

Eventually, the whistle blew and we were told to go back and change. This time the locker room wasn't so empty and I got nervous. I got my uniform out quickly and placed it ready to get on quick. I faced my locker and quickly pulled down my shorts, grabbing my skirt while I was bent over, stepped in and pulled it up in one motion. I was still nervous about somebody seeing my bulge.

I then pulled my shirt up and replaced it with my school polo. After that, I changed shoes and socks, then exited to my locker. I grabbed my stuff for World History and went to class. This time I met Mrs. Peters at the front of the class and asked for a textbook. She handed me what I needed and I went and found a desk in the corner of the classroom.

Again, class went smooth and the bell rang. I started to head to lunch before getting met by my aunt. She asked if things were going fine and I told her yes. She then handed me an envelope with money in it, that I was to give to the lunch lady to put money in my account. I thanked her and got in line.

I got a hamburger and gave the envelope to the lady. Every table had somebody at it, so I went up against a wall in the cafeteria and sat down by myself. After eating, I threw my food away and headed towards my locker. I went to my next class, meeting Mrs. Thomas. I hated math but I got through it.

My final class was Art with Mrs. Moon and again, got through it pretty painlessly. After class, I went back to my locker and put my homework in my bag. I grabbed my bag and headed to my Aunt's office. Because I was a boy but posing as a girl, she didn't make me play any sports- as the physical would out me. So instead, she told me that I could get watch Syd and April practice or I could catch the bus home. I decided to ride the bus.

I barely made it on there before it left. Most of the seats were full but I was waved over to a seat towards the middle of the bus. I recognized the girl, it was Patty from the sleepover. She asked me how my day went and we got to talking.

Eventually, it was my stop and she got off as well. She asked if I wanted to walk to the park and play for a minute but I insisted on going home. It was a long day but I told her I would a different day. I didn't really want to spend time playing with a fifth grader, even though she was nice. She said okay and ran off as I walked home.

I finished my homework by the time the girls got home. They grilled me with questions about my day, asking how it went, if I made friends, etc. Eventually they got tired of asking questions and let me do my thing. Around 8 o'clock, we got ready for bed. Day one was complete.

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