Go Team!

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At night time, I was having full blown accidents now. Not every night but enough for me to have to stay in the stupid diapers. I had told Aunt Becky that my secret had gotten out and I wanted her to buy the boys packages now.

Cheer practice has been about the only thing going well. I was becoming really close with Kelly.

Our uniforms came in. My pants and vest fit perfectly. I was getting the hang of our hand motions and cheers. I was still struggling with our dance that we were always going to perform at halftime. But after enough practice, I got the hang of it.

The halftime dance was my favorite because I was kind of the central component, the thing wouldn't work with out me because of how it was choreographed. That is the first time that I had ever been the key to anything.

We performed it at 3 games already. Luckily, male cheerleading was more common than male volleyball players, so the crowd never reacted.

Eventually, it was homecoming week. Cheerleaders were expected to partake in all of the dress up days because we had the most school spirit. On the last day, we had a pep assembly.

We were supposed to do our cheer routine but I left my uniform at home. This was the second time that I had done that, the first being a home game during the season.

The first time it resulted in is not performing the routine but this time I just did it in my school colored t-shirt.

After the performance I was scolded on how that we would be disqualified at the upcoming cheer competition because we needed to all be in uniform.

We only did two competitions all year, the first one was the week after homecoming and the second was at the end of the season.

I had Kelly's mom bring my uniform to the game and homecoming went smoothly.

The following week, we got ready for our competition. I went to pack my uniform but it was gone.

I went and asked Aunt Becky and April if they had seen it. They hadn't. Aunt Becky couldn't believe that I lost it, especially after she scolded me last week.

That's when I realized somebody must have stolen it, to get me in trouble. But who?

Aunt Becky called coach and told her that I lost it and that a replacement was $90. Aunt Becky said ok and coach told me she was going to bring an extra uniform.

I was happy they were able to get me an extra. After school, I met with my team and we prepared for the competition. She handed me a bag and told me to go change so I went to my changing room.

I pulled out the uniform and noticed that it didn't look like my old uniform. Instead, it looked like Kelly's.

I went back out and protested with coach. She said that they didn't order any spare boy uniforms and this is all the had.

I told her that I wasn't performing, so coach called Aunt Becky.

I expected Aunt Becky to side with me but instead she told me to do what coach asked and that I shouldn't have lost my uniform. I was shocked.

I walked back into my changing room not thrilled. I took off my clothes. The first part of the uniform was called a lollipop but it wouldn't fit over my boxers without bunching them up and making me uncomfortable. I knew what I had to do.

I once again headed out of my room, after putting my clothes back on, and headed to my locker. I opened it up and reached for a bag that was at the bottom.

This is where I kept all of the underwear that got taped to my locker. I sorted through the bag, there were everything from lace things to Disney princess underwear. Of course there wasn't any plain, boy-looking panties, bullies wouldn't do that.

I settled on a blue pair with My Little Pony on them. I stuck them in my pocket and returned to my changing room.

I slid on the panties and lollipop, followed by my skirt and my vest. This was embarrassing.

I packed my stuff back up and met with my team. I was met with a lot of laughter and girls asking me to give them a twirl. I put on a fake smile and told them to get this over with. We crowded on the bus and headed to the competition.

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