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By the way, you'll have a flashback in this chapter. Flashbacks are always like this. 

Justin cried as the boys at school pushed him against the lockers, making him fall right on the floor. He never knew how to defend himself from them, because he was too afraid. 

He didn't want any or ask for any of this to happen. 

The little boy was curled up on the floor, as James and Matthew tried to kick Justin on his stomach. They laughed, wrongfully thinking that it was okay to hit Justin. Many people were watching but none of them dared to come closer and help Justin. No one told them to stop. That's why they kept doing it 

"That's what you get for being a little faggot!" Evelyn shouted with her high pitched voice. Evelyn was James' girlfriend. Also, she was the cheerleading captain. Every girl wanted to be like her, every boy wanted to be with her. 

James laughed and wrapped his arm around Evelyn's waist. The cheerleader smiled, leaving the place and so did the rest of the people. 

Justin immediately got up, grabbing all of his books that fell in the ground when he was pushed against the lockers and ran to the bathroom, but heard someone calling his name. Justin didn't dare to look who it was, because he was afraid that it might be any of James' friends. He walked into the bathroom, taking a deep breath. 

Justin let out a tear. He hated that he wasn't able to do something. "It isn't my fa-" Justin tried to explain, but in fact, Michelle wouldn't let him do that. Michelle loved that man so much, Justin perfectly understood that. But he didn't knew that she would become such a monster once he was gone. She sat down, pulling her hair. "Shut the fuck up, kid!"

"P-Please, I know it wasn't m-my fault" Justin stuttered. While laying in his hospital bed, Justin cried because his mom wouldn't stop screaming at him. It was horrible. "How did you survive and he didn't? You did something, didn't you?" Michelle shouted, she absolutely lost her temper. "I don't know, I d-didn't ask for a-any of t-this" Justin replied, already shaking. "P-Please believe me, I didn't want h-him to d-die" Justin explained, but she didn't want to listen.

Justin closed his eyes, trying to get rid of the horrible flashback he just had. But then, he heard a male voice. "Hey? Is anyone in there? Justin?" Justin got scared. He was afraid it might be one of James' friends. But it wasn't. The boy walked into the bathroom, smiling when he saw Justin. 

"Oh my god, finally I found you

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"Oh my god, finally I found you. I've been looking for you!" Justin looked at him. "W-Who are you and what do you want from me?" The boy laughed a little bit. "Don't be scared, I don't want to hurt you. I just... saw what they did to you in the lockers and wanted to help you, but when I called for help it was too late. Then, I've been looking for you to see if I could find you, and I did" 

Justin nodded "I'm Ethan" He smiled and gave Justin a handshake. Justin smiled weak. "Do you want to go to the school's sickbay? To take care of all that bruises?" "N-No, thank you. I'm okay" The little boy said, giving Ethan a shy smile. He was officially the first person to worry about him and Justin was thankful for that. "That's ok, I guess" 

Seconds later, both Justin and Ethan heard a voice coming from outside. "Ethan, where are you? Are you in there?" A female voice asked. "I'm here!" Ethan said. "You dickhead, I can't go in the boys' bathroom... Come outside! We're all waiting for you!" Ethan smiled at Justin and both walked outside the bathroom, once they did, a beautiful girl was waiting for them outside. 

The girl smiled when she noticed Justin

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The girl smiled when she noticed Justin. "Aren't you the boy that just got b-" Ethan cut the girl by saying one more word. "He's Justin" Ethan explained to her. She smiled and gave Justin a kiss on his cheek. "My name is Nicole, but you can call me Nic or whatever you would like to." Justin smiled, nodding. 

Another girl came running towards the three students. The mysterious girl grabbed Nicole's shoulder, panting. "Diego and Andrew want to leave already, are you guys coming or what? I have been looking for you all! Shall we go?" She smiled and waved at me. 

"Yes, I was almost forgetting those two want to go get frozen yogurt, they're crazy for that shit" Ethan spoke, laughing

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"Yes, I was almost forgetting those two want to go get frozen yogurt, they're crazy for that shit" Ethan spoke, laughing. "Oh, wait, doesn't you guys' friend want to come with us? By the way, my name is Delilah" She said with a grin on her face. 

Ethan smiled. "Oh, yes, I forgot to ask! Justin, don't you want to come with us? I heard they have delicious frozen yogurt there" "Also, it's a new store! It opened yesterday" Delilah said, smiling. 

Justin twisted his lips. "Oh, I can't. My mom is very strict with going out with people she doesn't know.." 

Justin wasn't lying. She was strict with everything. She would freak out when she saw Justin on his computer, or even when he would go out with friends. That's why Justin hasn't made friends in years. He would have to come up with excuses once his old friends wanted to chill at his house.

Nicole pouted, hugging Justin. He smiled at her gesture. "That's okay, but I hope you can come hang out with us one day!" She spoke up and I nodded. "I definitely will" "Okay, see you Justin!" Delilah, Nicole and Ethan made their way to the rest of their friends. 

Deep down, Justin was so happy that finally someone wasn't afraid or ashamed to talk to him. He was happy that for once, he could say he has friends. 

The boy walked home silently. He grabbed his key, opening the door. "Mom?" He called. 

She wasn't home yet. 

Justin ran upstairs, grabbed his laptop and visited the site www.omegle.com and once he was on there, he typed in the interest. 

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! 
Omegle couldn't find anyone who shares interests with you, so this stranger is completely random. Try adding more interests! 

He sighed. 

Omegle ; Jastin (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now